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THE NIGHT HAD PASSED, and I found myself sitting in the harbour with a hungover Beidou.

"You really should drink some water..." I crossed my arms and looked at her.

"Y/n...water might kill me." she held back a groan.

"Ningguang looks rough..." Kazuha pointed at the stairs of the harbour.

I turned my head to see Ningguang and all 5 of her followers.

Xiao was in the crowd, and he didn't seem happy to be there.

His hair was messier than normal, and you could tell he was tired.

"Beidou...you didn't tell us they were going to be here." I looked at her.

"They want to have breakfast..." she giggled.

"They want to have breakfast with you, not us." I placed my hands on my hips and tapped my foot on the ground.

"I asked if you guys could come with me because you guys are sober." Beidou looked happy.

"Uh...I'm sober, Kazuha isn't." I raised my eyebrow.

"Kazuha was drinking last night?" Beidou looked alarmed.

"No, he's been smoking non-stop since last night." I laugh.

"Fuck dude, just green out already!" Beidou shouted at him.

"Don't say that...he might green out while we are at breakfast." I looked worried.

The group of 6 approached us, waving at Beidou.

"How was last night!" Beidou laughed.

"Don't remind me..." Childe scratched his head.

Childe is technically considered a tourist because he's from abroad, however, he has special treatment because he's in with Zhongli somehow.

I can see Xiao staring at me again, this time I stare back, smiling at him slightly.

"Should we go?" Ningguang asks Beidou and she agrees.

Ningguang doesn't know our names, and she definitely doesn't want to know our names.

"So how long have you guys been tourists? Three months?" she giggled at us.

"We have been living here for 3 years now," Kazuha answered.

Ningguang and her group laughed in our faces, except I watched Xiao look away from the group with no reaction.

After a bit of walking, we arrived at the outdoor restaurant and we all sat around one long table.

I conveniently sat opposite Xiao while sitting next to Beidou and Kazuha.

There was chatter around the table, however, Kazuha and I stayed quiet.

I watched Xiao talk and interact with his friends, and he would occasionally meet eyes with me.

His eyes were gorgeous, and there's far more behind those eyes that I can't see.


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