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My friends and I would smoke, then go on a walk to see what this harbour has to offer.

Kazuha and Beidou are my two best friends, and to say we don't get into trouble is an understatement.

I mean, we're college kids, not properly matured, nor are we actual children.

Children couldn't go through three joints in one sitting? So that makes us superior.

Kazuha is busy drooling over the street food while Beidou sweet-talks the fishermen.

I'm leaning against the baranda, watching all of this unfold.

My eyes are clearly red and slightly swollen, my hair has a few loose strands and I'm definitely not looking presentable.

The Liyue international college has a trio, a famous trio to say.

Ningguang, Zhongli, and Childe.

Rich and ready to spend their money on anything and everything.

Every college student in the area wants to be friends with them, but they keep their friends close.

Xiao, Ganyu, and Hu Tao are their successors to say.

Very close friends with them, and I mean Beidou is also basically best friends with Ningguang.

And that leaves Kazuha and me to get high on weekends while Beidou parties with the ballers.

We're not jealous though, why would we be?

Beidou comes back up to me, holding Kazuha's wrist tightly to keep him from straying away.

"You two tourists should stay together in one place." she handed the boy over to me.

"Tourists? We moved here...three years ago?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah, still from Inazuma silly." she rolled her eyes at me.

Footsteps approach us and we're met with Ningguang, and behind her lurk Xiao and Zhongli.

Ningguang happily chats away with Beidou, not daring to bat an eye at us, tourists, as they say.

I look over and find Xiao staring at me, his blue hair draping on his face.

He wasn't trying to make it subtle either, it was a blank fucking stare.

"He's staring at you..." Kazuha pointed out the obvious.

"Yes I know man, I can see in front of me...not fucking blind," I muttered the last part.

Xiao's eyelashes were long, every feature suited him perfectly.

But it wouldn't work out, his friends might as well detest Kazuha and me.

"Well then Beidou, I'll see you later tonight!" Ningguang let out a chuckle and walked past me, Xiao and Zhongli following close behind her.

"Oh, so you're ditching us for them again?" I glanced over at Beidou, who looked guilty.

"I can't just say no..." she scratched her neck anxiously.

"It's Ningguang, you wouldn't decline an invitation from her Y/n." Kazuha smacked my back.

"I still have a mark from last time!" I raised my voice at him playfully.

"What? Your non-existent guys think you actually get game from my 5-stars?" Kazuha laughed.

"That makes absolutely no sense." Beidou sighed.

"Huh? I meant it as in that my mark looks like she had sex, but she doesn't get game, and the guys that would assume that aren't real." Kazuha had to explain his joke to her.

"It's not even funny anymore." I rolled my eyes and looked ahead of me.

Xiao kept looking back at me, making eye contact once more.



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