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chapter thirty (xxx) : warm and cold

'Darling?..' I asked. he had gotten so caught up in the moment and lost in your voice that he hadnt realized that you were asking him something. "mhm?" he replied back softly as he continued to stroke your hair and keep a tight hold on you, enjoying the closeness he felt with you right now. 'Why was aether so unhappy? Is he okay' I asked him. his face fell a little bit when you asked that question, there was something about aether that he was going to have to address in the future. "aether has his own reasons, but dont worry about aether, its me youre stuck with for eternity..." he said with a playful grin as he continued stroking your hair gently. you had no reason to worry about aether and sodo seemed to want to try and distract you from even thinking about him right now.

'I wouldn't want to be stuck with anyone else' I told him resting my head back on his chest. this response made his heart melt and he couldnt help but feel some sort of butterflies in his stomach, this was exactly what he needed to hear right now. he felt so relieved that you were actually happy with this outcome, the fact that you wouldnt want to be stuck with anyone else was even sweeter to hear. "i-i love to hear you say that..." he replied softly as he continued to lay there with you closely embracing you. 'It's just the truth darling' I said calmly

your tone was so soothing and the words you said made him feel so loved and appreciated. he wanted to keep this moment forever as the feeling was so much better than anything else in this lifetime and he didnt want to do anything to ruin it. "just you and me...thats all thats needed." he whispered slowly as he continued to stare down at you lovingly. this was your time together, just the two of you, and he was grateful for that. he couldnt help but want to trace your new features with his fingers. the heat emanating from you was such a tempting feeling and he wanted to feel every fraction of it. he lifted your face so that he could look into your eyes, the glow from your skin illuminating the room with an ethereal glow. "you're so beautiful..." he whispered softly.

I could feel my cheeks turning red when he called me beautiful 'thankyou handsome' I replied. your cheeks turning red made his heart melt slightly and he couldnt help but grin as a reaction. it was so adorable seeing you blush and he wanted to see it more often when he complimented you in the future. "of course gorgeous..." he replied back, the name calling was already starting up and he loved it, he just wanted to keep showering you with compliments as long as you remained by his side like this.

I traced his hand that was on my cheek with mine and slowly moved my fingers to him arm. the sensation of your hand running along his arm made his body shiver slightly, even though the feeling was subtle enough he could feel every touch of your fingers. the way your flesh would glide together so smoothly had him wanting to feel the sensation even more. he couldnt help but shiver again as he let out a small sigh. it felt like everytime you touched him he would get this rush of euphoria and the fact that he was feeling it over your touch made him feel like he was on cloud nine. he had been waiting so long for you to turn to be able to see you and now he was finally getting that moment. "y-youre so warm..." he whispered quietly with a small chuckle while he ran his fingers over your wrist.

'a-and your so cold' I smiled hugging him closer. the sudden feeling of your body pressing against his made his heart skip a beat and he could feel your body heat radiating against him and that sensation in turn made him freeze up a bit. he was so used to feeling cold but to feel this level of warmth felt so new to him and he loved it. he wrapped both of his arms tightly around you and pulled you even closer into him. "i cant help but..want to have you closer to me..." he whispered quietly as he pressed his body closer to yours. 'Can we stay like this forever?' I asked him slowly drifting off to sleep. he could feel you starting to drift off to sleep and the feeling of just holding you like this and just letting time pass like that felt like you really could stay like this forever. he was in heaven and the sensation of you laying on him and holding his arm so tightly made him feel so content. "forever" he whispered softly as he continued to embrace you tightly while your body rested in his arms.


So finally, not only did she become a creature but she found out who the creature was that had been lurking in the shadows and she couldn't have been happier by the result. Not only in the dark did he wait for her but he also came out of it and now he waits in both light and dark for her.
It just goes to show even tho he was flesh and blood but not human, he still found someone in the world that cared and loved him more than anything.
Because after all, chaos is an Angel who fell in love with a demon.
now tell me reader
Are you afraid of the dark?

papas daughter { vampire sodo fanfic } حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن