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chapter twenty one (xxi) : what was that?

while they were all in the living room talking to sodo about how'd he had finally got a girlfriend one of the main doors to the castle got broken down and in came a man holding an iron sword. the man was accompanied by three nuns and two townspeople. 'i knew it! i knew that bitch was lying! she didn't kill them!' he said followed by a menacing laugh.

a sudden look of surprise washed across the ghouls and papas face as the room fell silent, they started listening with concern to the man with the iron sword and his group. as the man called y/n a bitch sodo went for him but papa put his arm in front of him pushing him back. 'you need to get out, you don't just break the door down to my house' papa snapped back with a stern tone, it really didn't seem like he was about to take this bullshit from some random man who had just barged into his home. the man looked surprised at papas attitude as he had been expecting him to be shocked or afraid. when it became clear that papa wasn't going to bow down to this random man he tried to intimidate him even further as he raised his sword up with the intention of intimidating papa and the ghouls. 'do you not understand?! i am here to kill you! to cleanse the evil from this world!' he said before finishing his sentence 'and once we've killed you we'll find the girl and kill her too for protecting these wretched vermin creatures'

as i got out the shower and put my clothes on i could hear a lot of commotion outside so i walked out of my room and down the hallways to the living room. once i got closer i saw a man pointing an iron sword at papa and behind him were the ghouls. i dodged out of there sight, hiding behind the wall as i thought about what i could do. i soon remembered that the sword i got for my seventeenth birthday was awaiting to be put up on my wall but for the time being it was being kept into the basement so i immediately made my way down there. i grabbed it and made my way back out to the living room with the cover off, pointing it at the other man with the other sword 'you point that sword at my family again and ill put this through you' i threatened making my way in front of papa.

the man looked at the sword and instantly chuckled 'you cant be serious?' he asked 'you cant be seriously protecting these creatures!? these things are the devils spawn on earth!' he shouted as his hand began to grip the handle of his sword tighter, he was clearly about to do something. i quickly raised my sword to his throat 'call my family creatures again and i push this right into you do you understand?!' i snapped. the man froze as he saw the sword near his throat and was surprised by the sudden change in your behaviour, he took another step back as he felt threatened by the sword. 'you fucking bitch' he said through gritted teeth trying to avoid the sword at his throat. 'say it again, it sounded good' i smirked walking further towards him making him back further away..

the man was extremely intimidated by the sudden confident change in your behaviour as you came closer to him with your sword at his throat. he couldn't hold back his insults though and ended up calling you a 'dumb whore'. 'well you'd know' i replied obviously joking but it was funny to see the sisters let out a gasp. he began to fill with nothing but rage as he continued to move backwards and his insults became more vulgar and offensive towards you as he spoke again 'you dumb whore, this world would be a better place without people like you. this whore family does nothing but create monsters and bring evil upon the world. you all must be eradicated so the gods can cleanse the earth of this evil'. 'well why he's cleansing the earth maybe he can cleanse your voice box..calling me a whore isn't very godly of you' i smirked

'shut up you filthy whore, you shouldn't have the right to speak in my presence' he said with seething rage, he still wasn't willing to accept this situation and he didn't even want to think about you being above him or even equal to him in any way. 'you've got some serious nerve you know that? your just a whore and now your threatening to kill me? i cant believe the audacity you have' . i turned to look behind me and i saw sodo with both his hands clenched in fists, if this man said one more insult he was going to loose his shit. i leaned in closer to the man and whispered 'you've got serious nerve calling me a whore, i wouldn't say it again unless you want to be torn to smithereens' i told him taking my sword away from his neck and backing back up to stand in front of papa.

he froze as you whispered to him, he realised now that you weren't joking and that you were actually threatening him. he also saw sodos body language and knew that he could snap at any moment as he was clearly very agitated. he held his sword in a defensive position as you took yours away, just in case you tried attacking him. 'don't threaten me, i know what you are, scum, i know that you protect these filthy creatures'. he was trying his best to stay calm as he spoke to you but when he saw your sword no longer at his neck he became more aggressive as he started pointing his sword at you 'i do not fearslut like you, you cannot intimidate me, i think you should remember your place!'

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