When the clock strikes 12

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It was Thursday evening, 6:00 P.M, December 31, 2020. The last day of December. It was winter time and everyone is looking forward to welcome another new chapter of their life. Including the newly wed, Mr. and Mrs. Luxury. As the last day of this year's chapter, they decided to spend their New Year with just the two of them.

The two of them are currently on the balcony, on each other's embrace while staring at the starry night sky. The stars and the moon, shining brightly up in the sky, makes them think that tonight, is the best night for them to experience.

Mr. Luxury's wife looked at him and smiled.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" She asked him as she looks at her handsome husband.

"Hmm...it is...just like you. How many times have I ever told you how much I love you?" Her husband asked her, tightening the embrace.

"More than a million times, honey" she said giggling at her husband's question.

"My question isn't funny, why would you giggle?" Her husband rolled his eyes and buried his head on her neck.

"It's funny how you ask that question over and over again" his wife then, giggled again and turned to look at her husband.

"But no matter how many times you ask me, how many times you have told me how much you love me, I won't ever get tired answering the same question" she continued, smiling at him and reached out her hand to touch his face.

"I hope this night won't ever end. I hope that we can spend more time together before this year ends" she quietly said with tears falling from her eyes.

"Love...don't worry. We'll make this the best night for us to experience. We'll watch the fireworks together, we'll watch the snow fall, we'll dance all night long...and enjoy each other's company. Then tomorrow, let's start a brand new chapter, with you and I as the protagonists of this tale we're writing" her husband wiped her tears away and kissed her lips.

The kiss was sweet, slow and warm. She reached out her hand and wrapped them around his neck while he wraps his hands around her waist. The warmth of their embrace makes them feel like winter is not there to bother them at all. Their lips move in sync and slowly started dancing, moving their waist from side to side.

His wife then pulled away and giggled.

"What are you doing?" She then asked and continued moving the way her husband moves.

"Dancing" her husband chuckled and buried his face on her neck and started tickling her.

"Hey, stop it" she giggled and cupped her hands on her husband's cheeks.

"Stop it, you big baby" she giggled and buried her head on her husbands neck and wrapped her hands around his waist.

"But you love this big baby" her husband chuckled and wrapped his hands around her waist.

"And yes, I do" she giggled and shook her head.

As they continued dancing, snow started falling and the temperature became even more chilly. The two just giggled and tightened their embrace to keep the heat between them. They both smiled at each other as they both continued dancing their night away.

Just when the two of them are enjoying each other's company, a gun shot was heard which startled the two. Well, which startled the husband of the woman. Her husband pulled away from her and looked at the direction where the gun shot came and there he saw a sniper looking at their direction.

His eyes widened and shivers went up to his spine.

"Please, not her" he whispered to himself but it's too late. His wife was shot from behind on the waist area. Blood flowed down from the body of his wife and tears came falling from his eyes.

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