Happy Mother's day!

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[9:12 PM; May 7, 2022]

To our one and only beloved Mom,

Happy Mother's Day! You've been a mom for 13 years with two stubborn and crazy children. 13 years of looking after us, feeding us, taking good care of us and teaching us, you've been doing all of this since the day we were born.

You may not be a perfect mother but every single day, you do your best to raise us as good children. You feed us, you remind us to always be good children and you taught us to fear God.

You teach us lessons as we grow up. You taught us to love each other, to love you and dad as our parents, to always be kind to people we meet, to never hurt each other or other people, to have faith in God and to always remember, may we succeed or not, we should always be humble.

Thank you, mommy! My sibling and I don't know how hard it is to be a mom so I salute you and I thank you for all your sacrifices. 

As I grow up, every time I see you in a not-so-good mood or when you're sick, I see that you're already in a state where you've reached your limit.

I grew to realize that moms are real life superheroes. They carry their child in their womb for 9 months, they give birth then they take good care of that stubborn little baby day and night.

When their child is old enough to go to school, they would wake up early in the morning to prepare their breakfast, their snacks, they iron their clothes for school then they would send them to school. After school, they pick them up.

At night, moms would cook them dinner and prepare their clothes for the next day and think about what their child should eat for the next day and the cycle goes on until their child is ready to go.

Seeing you work at home ever since you stopped working and stayed a full time mother, that's when I see your struggles as a mom. 

Looking back, I feel a bit guilty because I would get mad or throw a tantrum when I didn't get what I wanted.

So, I just want to say, thank you. Thank you for staying patient with me and my brother even when we're so close to punching each other over a small argument. 

Thank you for being our mom.

Thank you for being our teacher, for being our superwoman, for being our judge, for being our friend and for being our guardian angel. 

We love you, mommy! Always take good care of yourself and just enjoy life!

You've done great! We love you!

From your precious children

To be continued...

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