A letter to myself

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To my dear lonely self, 

Hello, how are you? I know how tired you are. I know that you have sacrificed a lot. I know that you have stayed up late at night hoping that the next day, it'll be a better one...

...but you wake up only to see disappointment. You see your unfinished works, your overdue requirements, those classmates of yours going ahead of you...I've seen all of those...

Disappointment is something that we can't control. To be honest, I'm still trying to figure out why am I always disappointed of myself. 

I'm disappointed about the fact that I'm not as smart as them, that I'm not as beautiful as them, that I'll never be better than my sibling...I'm disappointed about all of those...

...but I thought to myself..."Why am I even disappointed in the first place? What is there to be disappointed about?". Until now, I'm still trying to find an answer about that. I guess we just have to figure that out, aye?

Love, my dearest lonely self, life is really complicated. There's no such thing as a perfect life. Nothing is perfect. So, it's okay to be disappointed sometimes...

Challenges will come and go, your accomplishments may be small but soon they will grow...as long as you're there, you have yourself, you believe in yourself, I know you'll succeed...

...just don't lose yourself trying to make yourself like everybody else. Just...do the things that makes you happy and contented. Do what makes your world colorful, like you always picture it would be. It's hard...but keep going

I love you, Calista. Always and forever, I will always be with you. Goodbye

From your other self, 


To be continued...

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