~Hugs to everyone, also includes some possibly needed Holy Water you should take just in case!~
A certified fangirl, whom is in many fandoms like Voltron, HTTYD, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Hamilton, etc. Feel free to chat with me about fandoms, although I may not be into them. I also use Amino, Discord, and other apps that allow you to chat with people.
A bit of random information:
-I identify as a aromantic, although if you asked my preferences, I would answer with pan.
-I like Fluff over Smut, Angst would be my second favorite.
-I draw a lot, and I have a YouTube Channel: *insert shameless plug in*
-A rainbow slinky is a decent representation of me, besides the fact I am not romantically involved. (I can still appreciate beauty tho :D)
-I am an introvert, I have terrible social skills and I don't wander very far from my friend group irl.
(This was probably the most emojis I have ever used, *cough* I never do *cough*)
  • Fandom Hell, in the Land of Gay
  • JoinedNovember 11, 2017

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