
Yeah guys. I haven't been on here for ages now however I'm going to try revamping my books and maybe writing some more on here. I have a few Amazon published ones that I will be revamping too. 
          	Stay safe everyone.


Hello there, I see that you love werewolves. ;)
          Can you please check out my book called Hidden Secrets? It would mean alot to me if you did. If you read it, don't be afraid to give it a vote or two, I would love to know your reads.
          Thanks for reading this.


Hey, I'm just one of your random followers on here, and I got the message about your book being published. Just been on to Amazon and bought it for free, yippee! Its waiting in my library now, ready to be read. I just want to say Well done you for going and getting your book published, it takes a lot of bravery to be able to publish your work on such a wide scale for the world to see, read and enjoy. Just wanted to message you as I wanted you to know that someone appreciates your time and effort, I'm currently writing at the moment and that isn't really going anywhere so well done for even completing the book, never mind publishing it!
          Be proud of yourself, and remember chins up, smiles on!


@TheCelticWolfAndMe I'm so pleased you decided to get my book! Thank you!  Please tell me what you think once you've read it....
            Never give up, if you want to get published then go for it! Never think you are not good enough. 
            Please keep in touch! 
            Have a good day.


Okay so my writing on here has slowed due to me publishing my first ever book and starting another that's going to be published...... 
          For five days only my book will be free on Amazon. Don't forget to get your copy and share with friends.....