
Wattpad isn't just about telling stories, even though that's it's main function. It is also about talking to people about your favorite works, or whatever you want to talk about just because you can. It's also a way to meet new people and bond with your friends. however, Wattpad is going to remove private messaging. Personally, I think that's a stupid thing to do. I feel like it limits conversation and opportunities for people. If you're in agreement, I urge you to sign this petition on to hopefully keep Wattpad PMs alive.
          	Let's make our voices heard.


@roweterpsichore never signed something so quickly in my life, personally I don't use DMs much but I know plenty of people who use it more than the rest of the site and it's such a dumb thing to get rid of anyhow


Wattpad isn't just about telling stories, even though that's it's main function. It is also about talking to people about your favorite works, or whatever you want to talk about just because you can. It's also a way to meet new people and bond with your friends. however, Wattpad is going to remove private messaging. Personally, I think that's a stupid thing to do. I feel like it limits conversation and opportunities for people. If you're in agreement, I urge you to sign this petition on to hopefully keep Wattpad PMs alive.

          Let's make our voices heard.


@roweterpsichore never signed something so quickly in my life, personally I don't use DMs much but I know plenty of people who use it more than the rest of the site and it's such a dumb thing to get rid of anyhow


Book Recommendation #6
          Fandom: MCYT
          Title: The Curse of the Vex
          Author: @EmberDragon34
          Status: Ongoing
          Parts: 12
          Last Updated: Mon, Jan 15, 2024 (as of posting)
          Over a hundred years passed since the royal Vex family was cursed with chaotic, dangerous magic. A curse the leaders learnt to hide beneath the gaze of the deadly Watcher kingdom, generation after generation until even Prince Scar, second in line, is unaware.
          Until everything slips at his brother, Cub's coronation.
          And the curse of the Vex might destroy their kingdom forever.


Book Recommendation #5 Fandom: Harry Potter
          Title: Oh God, Not Again! By Sarah1281 Author:  @its_skye_sittler 
          This story was originally written by Sarah1281 on

          Status: complete Last Updated: Mon, Aug 13, 2018 Parts: 51 ( as of posting)
          Description: Adult Harry Potter accidentally goes back in time and wakes up on his 11th birthday again, but with all his memories of the future intact.


Book Recommendation #4
          Fandom: MCYT
          Title: Project: Neverbound (A Double Life AU fanfic)
          Author: @Rockythegreater
          Status: Ongoing
          Last Updated: Sun, Oct 23, 2023
          Parts: 31 (as of posting)
          A soulbound is an unfortunate happenstance in which two people's lives are tied together, literally.  If one of them is hurt, the other is hurt, and if one of them dies, the other will die.  Simply breaking the connection with the power of a Golden Apple or any other means will result in the souls slowly fading away, leaving their bodies dead in a matter of days anyway.  This phenomenon has plagued the world for so long that a research center, Soulbound Inc., is dedicated to finding out how to sever the link, and on one fateful day, a group of scientists decide to conduct an experiment to find this missing answer.  7 pairs of soulbounds, all willing to participate, are taken from their familiar homes in the city and placed in a rural-like neighborhood on Neverbound Island, sharing a home with their soulbound regardless of their relationship with them.  In the beginning, things seem okay. 
          Concerns begin to grow as the subjects are slowly cut off from the outside world, but not before the controversies of Soulbound Inc. begin coming to light.  By the time some of the residents begin to reconsider even wanting to be cut away from their bounds, it is too late to turn back. 
          No, it was always too late to turn back, because the previous victims of this company would tell you that Project: Neverbound was never meant to end with anyone alive.


@Rockythegreater You deserve it. Reading your poems inspired me to take some Speach and Debate classes last summer, which ultimately made my readings better.




Book Recommendation #3
          Fandom: MCYT
          Title: Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)
          Author: @ImpulseSvisyes
          Status: Ongoing
          Last Updated: Mon, Oct 30, 2023
          Parts: 16 (as of posting)
          Medieval Fic with hermitcraft and life series members, Dont know where this will go or how good it will be, i have a rough idea of a story i want to tell and i will try and fail miserably.


@ImpulseSvisyes You're very welcome, and thanks for the Follow.


MCYT Book Recommendation
          Title: Awaken (Hermitcraft Fanfiction)
          Author: @ButterFlies77Writes
          Status: Complete
          Last Updated: Mon, Jul 10, 2023 (as of posting)
          We must focus on guiding the Magic; not controlling it. For it is through controlling it we allow it to control ourselves.
          Time between dimensions is in a constant state of flux. There is no way of saying how many years have passed, nor how many will. However, the saying remains the same: "Yesterday was history, Tomorrow is a mystery, But today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."
          This is another Hermitcraft fanfiction, set in a season eight/nine AU (Evolution-EmpiresS1-HCS8-HCS9-Watcher AU). I don't own any of the characters; they belong to the Hermits as their Minecraft Personas. This book also sporadically features Evolution and Empires SMP characters.
          Pearl is the main character, but there are a few backstories followed as well. The first part of the chapter will always be Pearl, and the second a backstory (with a few exceptions when the chapter gets extra-long). Answer the chapter questions if you feel like it, even if you live in the mysterious future.
          I don't ship. I'm not certain about the hermit preferences, so I'd prefer to leave that to them and portray all of them as amazing friends (which they are).
          There will be angst to satisfy your hunger. Enjoy, fellow angst-thirsty hermittpadders. If you're a hermit from Hermitcraft, an emperor from Empires, a former Evolutionist, or involved in some central way to this story reading this and you dislike the content, I am more than happy to edit or take the story down entirely. I respect the wishes of those I fanfiction about.
          Cover design made with Canva.


@ButterFlies77Writes It helped a lot, and if you published it, I wood read it.


@roweterpsichore I hope my world building helped a little bit haha
            I tried to take into account how some people don't know who the Watchers are as I wrote, especially since I'm hoping to transform Awaken into original content later down the line (and hopefully publish it!)


@ButterFlies77Writes It was so good! I usually don't read Watcher stuff because I don't understand most of it, but I'm glad I did.


MCYT Book Recommendation
          Title: Legacies || Hermitcraft
          Author: XandeaTheWatcher
          Status: Ongoing
          Last Updated: Sun, Oct 15, 2023
          Parts: 17
          In a found family of 26, you're bound to get a couple of interesting stories. The Hermits are no exception. Brought together through tragedy and hardships, each person's story is as unique and brilliant as they are. Some end happily, most are heartbreaking, but they all start the same way... A lonely outcast, whose life takes an unexpected turn one day.


Greetings! This is my first real announcement. As much as I wish I could, I don't have the time to write any of the books that I have wanted to write on here. However, I do have a decent amount of time to read. From now on Whenever I come across a good story that pertains to one of the things I mentioned in my profile description, I'll recommend it to you here. If I'm being honest, most of them will be MCYT, since that's what I've been reading a lot lately.