I'm a nineteen year old writer living in Sydney, NSW, Australia. I write as a hobby as well as studying creative writing at university. I write short stories occasionally based on prompts or images I find interesting as well as working on a few longer pieces such as The Heir to Despair. I try to draw but fail miserably, procrastination is my biggest rival.

Oddly enough I enjoy editing other peoples writing, but not my own. If anybody requires someone to edit their work feel free to send me a PM with a link (usually google docs is easiest for me). Otherwise I hope you enjoy the pieces of writing I have published and have a bloody good day,

R.J. Alexander.
  • Sydney, Australia
  • JoinedFebruary 5, 2017


Story by rjalexanderwrites
The Heir to Despair by rjalexanderwrites
The Heir to Despair
Cain and his sister, Alicia, are studying in hopes to gain access to the 'new world'. Portals have opened up...