An ordinary person writing ordinary things.

Hello everyone. I'm Eva and I'm an aspiring writer who enjoys classic novels and cheesy romance. I'm one of those people that will lay down in their bed all day and read from dawn til dusk. Even though being an author isn't something that I want to pursue, writing is still a love of mine and I'm trying to make my talent better.

I love making people laugh with my sarcasm and sense of humor,and you'll probably find a lot of traces of that in my writings. I write about things that I'd like to happen. You know how when you lay down at night and you dream of perfect scenarios? These stories are those thoughts that I have.

So I'm welcoming you into these worlds, stories, and dreams that I yearn for. And hopefully you'll read and stay long for the ride because I'll be right along there with you.
  • JoinedApril 13, 2013


Story by myserendipitylove