
I'm gutted. I had to take the bulk of Doorways off of Wattpad. It was stolen and put on not one, but two other sites by plagiarists. I'm so upset. And I'm so sorry I can't have it on here to share anymore, but I just can't have my work up for others to steal. One site was even where the person was making money off my work! I'm just... I'm gutted. I sincerely appreciate all the comments, feedback and support. It's meant the world to me. Hopefully I can get all this resolved. In the meantime, I only have the first four chapters up of Doorways. 
          	Good luck to you all. Be safe.


@lamyles so sorry to hear that you're having to deal with this. It's been a constant fear of mine, since I started publishing my writing online, and I wish you the best in getting things resolved. Take care - K


@lamyles I wish you all the luck.


@FallStorm80 I'm still working on it. Hopefully soon it'll be sorted out. Fingers crossed.


I'm gutted. I had to take the bulk of Doorways off of Wattpad. It was stolen and put on not one, but two other sites by plagiarists. I'm so upset. And I'm so sorry I can't have it on here to share anymore, but I just can't have my work up for others to steal. One site was even where the person was making money off my work! I'm just... I'm gutted. I sincerely appreciate all the comments, feedback and support. It's meant the world to me. Hopefully I can get all this resolved. In the meantime, I only have the first four chapters up of Doorways. 
          Good luck to you all. Be safe.


@lamyles so sorry to hear that you're having to deal with this. It's been a constant fear of mine, since I started publishing my writing online, and I wish you the best in getting things resolved. Take care - K


@lamyles I wish you all the luck.


@FallStorm80 I'm still working on it. Hopefully soon it'll be sorted out. Fingers crossed.


I just wanted to leave you a message to let you know I just started reading your book "Doorways" and I'm really enjoying it. I'm only about 4 chapters in so far but your writing style is really charming and I am really engrossed in the plot. I hope you keep writing more! Cheers - Keith


Hey there!!!❤❤
          Nice to meet you❤❤
          I'm so glad that I searching for readers who most likely interested in reading romance series 
          I guess you did like so,
          Check out this book
          I'm introducing more books for many Wattpad mates, 
          Title - Falling again and again.....❤❤
          I thought you like it, 
          Pls, check out but don't refuse it


I first want to apologize for my long absence. The new normal has been... challenging, and there has been a lot going on in my personal life on top of it all. But I'm finally able to carve some time out for writing, editing and being on Wattpad again. All of which makes me very happy. The comments and feedback I receive here from readers is invaluable.  My plan is to post more chapters starting today and then over the next week, begin going through the comments and making notes for the next round of edits. Thank you to everyone for your support and patience. Happy reading!


@ErinH333 Hi! I'm glad to be back and happy to be getting this story posted again. I'm happy to see you are still on here! :-)


@lamyles I'm glad to see you back! I've missed this story!


@SeekingMyMuse Thank you. It feels really good to be back, even if I can't do the schedule I used to. :-)


Timing has not been working in my favor lately, so I haven't been updating like I'd planned. Life is going sideways again, but I'm on reading other's awesome stories and sneaking in my own writing time as I can. I hope everyone is having a beautiful day!


I've been reading lots of great stories on Wattpad lately and trying to get work done on my own stories as well. But I've down with a head cold for the last week, so I'm super behind. Hope everyone else is well!