
HEY GUYS! I am currently in the process of writing a new book called 'So You Think You Can Dance' and I thought I would introduce you to the main cast and characters
          	Dove Cameron (of Liv & Maddie and Descendants fame) plays the female lead Dottie Fitzgerald. A straight A student and an award winning dancer with a tragic past.
          	Colt Pattes (of Dirty Dancing reboot fame) plays the male lead Flynn Charleston. A quarterback with a secret and a knack for dance and song.
          	Thomas Doherty (of Descendants fame) plays James Davis. The best friend to Flynn and linebacker to their football team. He is also Dottie's unofficial boyfriend.
          	Alisha Boe (of 13 Reasons Why fame) plays Kelly Markus. One of two best friends to Dottie and always Dottie's runner up in dance competitions.
          	And finally Nina Dobrev (of Vampire Diaries fame) plays Aurora "Ror" Charleston. Flynn's younger sister and the second best friend to Dottie.


HEY GUYS! I am currently in the process of writing a new book called 'So You Think You Can Dance' and I thought I would introduce you to the main cast and characters
          Dove Cameron (of Liv & Maddie and Descendants fame) plays the female lead Dottie Fitzgerald. A straight A student and an award winning dancer with a tragic past.
          Colt Pattes (of Dirty Dancing reboot fame) plays the male lead Flynn Charleston. A quarterback with a secret and a knack for dance and song.
          Thomas Doherty (of Descendants fame) plays James Davis. The best friend to Flynn and linebacker to their football team. He is also Dottie's unofficial boyfriend.
          Alisha Boe (of 13 Reasons Why fame) plays Kelly Markus. One of two best friends to Dottie and always Dottie's runner up in dance competitions.
          And finally Nina Dobrev (of Vampire Diaries fame) plays Aurora "Ror" Charleston. Flynn's younger sister and the second best friend to Dottie.


I am in the process of writing a new book called The Loner, The Twins, The Jailbird, and The Walking Dead. It follows a seventeen year old named Aria Snow as she and the twins, a seven year old boy and transgender boy who prefers to be called by his female name, who she is babysitting, as well as the twins' older half-brother, are thrust into a world where the dead are living. Babysitting two kids for a weekend is one thing, but keeping them alive against unnatural forces that seek to feast on their flesh is another. 
          This book is one of three that will be released. And as you can probably tell by the title, this book is in the same world as the walking dead and each character is connected to a main character in the walking dead in the most unexpected ways.


So I have decided to do a Riverdale book. It will follow relatively the same storyline as the show, but there will be a new character added named Sage and she will not only be in both of my new Riverdale booms but also the books I will be doing for a new show coming to Netflix in October.


Do you read Wizardess Heart? Are you a fan of Klaus or is that another thing?


Speaking of vampires, there is a vampire one called Blood in Roses. It also has werewolves and hunters


@DevilDragonSlayer sweet. I will take a look it. Thank you for recommending it


Oh, ok. I was just wondering since there is a character in the game called Klaus.


To those of you who have messaged me for the past few weeks without any responses, I am truly sorry for that. It is mainly because of the fact that my computer had a nasty virus on it. The extent of this virus went from me not being able to go on a few websites (including this one) to the point where if I were to go on any website or app on my computer the computer itself would just shut down. I had to get a new computer because of this and to answer those of you who have messaged me about any future stories, I am going to start working on one tomorrow afternoon. I was inspired by the trailer for the upcoming show "Krypton" (Trailer link~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFCwEuQ3iIo). It follows the story of Superman's grandfather. However mine is going to be slightly different. One of the ways it is going to be different is that it is not following the story of Superman's grandfather (yes he is a main character but it isn't just about him if that makes sense) instead it follows and explores the origins of Superman's grandmother. Feel free to message or post questions on here if you want(no pressure to do so). I will also be doing a trailer and poster for it, which if I can I will post both on here once they are ready. Stay tuned for more.


Everyone please check out my new book called 'Upside Down-Season 1'. It is a TV-Show themed book with episodes, seasons, and a theme song(which has yet to be decided). The book kind of gives a perspective of real life stuff and is very wacky at some points. I think anyone who is willing to give it a chance will actually enjoy it.