
@xosa29 jay sean is ace too , i love his music aswell :)
          	and sure il check it out xx


hey! could you please read my story "Molly's worldd?" 
          It's about a girl who moves to south carolina with her five brothers, mother and stupid step-father. She's new in school and automatically gets bullied and pestered. But things start to get better when she starts hanging out with Dakota and his friends. They comfort her but soon a major threat comes to her town and things start to take a dramatic turn downhill. Things as Molly knows, might soon stop.
          Thank you in advance


heyy so ur definitely my music twin lol - you pretty much listed all my faves, except for jay sean - who i absolutely adore!
          i actually stopped by to ask if u would like to read one of my stories. they're all romances, and i hope you have time to go to my profile and check em out =) 
          kthnx & hope u find something u like!
          xo Sammi