
Hey everyone I know i have been MIA for a while. Things have been crazy. Moving, medical issues, starting a new's been a lot. But I have been working on a few things and I'm going to start working on a schedule of when I'm going to post and for which story. Also I have been doing some updates to My Hunter Love, I have begun work on a Tony Stark story and I also have an amazing idea for a Star Wars series that I think you guys will love. And for all my Star Wars lovers, Happy Star Wars Day and May the Force be With You...Always! Much love guys!


Hey everyone I know i have been MIA for a while. Things have been crazy. Moving, medical issues, starting a new's been a lot. But I have been working on a few things and I'm going to start working on a schedule of when I'm going to post and for which story. Also I have been doing some updates to My Hunter Love, I have begun work on a Tony Stark story and I also have an amazing idea for a Star Wars series that I think you guys will love. And for all my Star Wars lovers, Happy Star Wars Day and May the Force be With You...Always! Much love guys!


Hey everyone. I am so sorry that I have not been posting. My family and I were forced to move and we had to do it very quickly and very suddenly. I appreciate the love and support from all of you that have sent messages and were concerned about me not posting. I am finally in a better situation and now I am able to take time to write and continue posting. I will be trying to come up with a schedule for my stories. Thanks again for all of your love and support!


Hey y'all what's up? I know I've been MIA again and I'm really sorry about that. I will be posting again soon I've had so much going on and I haven't even been able to get any time to sit and think about my stories let alone write them. I'm getting ready to move in February and I've been packing a lot and dealing with all that plus my seizure disorder is kicking my ass lately. Also my husband and I are working through his medical stuff as well. Tons of doctors appointments and tests and we are both just exhausted. I'm getting a new charger for my computer next week and I'll be back to writing. Happy Holidays y'all!


Y'all. I mean y'all are amazing. I just looked at the stats for My Hunter Love. It is ranked #1 for #zakbagans stories out of 966! You guys don't even know how much that means to me! I'm so stinking grateful for everyone who has read, voted for, and enjoyed that story. I have a few more things I want to do with it so buckle up it's going to get good!


Y'all I have been terrible about posting lately. I know it's been almost a month. My husband had a heart attack and was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks because the doctors kept giving us more diagnoses than we thought we would get. It was a lot but we are home now and he is on the mend. I have been trying to help him get back to himself after everything. I did go ahead and post another chapter of My Hunter Love and I am about to be starting on a new Marvel story. You are not going to want to miss this because it's going to be a good one! Keep following me for updates!


@morrisonmygirl it really is. he means everything to me and we actually got out two days before our 10th wedding anniversary. It was crazy but now we have some answers at least. And now we can work toward making it better,


Hope ur hubby gets well, I know how it is… my husband was in the hospital 3 months due to a work related injury. It’s scary when your spouse is not well.


Hey everyone. I know its been a while and I feel so bad that I have been MIA. I know that you guys have been patiently waiting for new updates to my Zak Bagans story and some of my others. I have been so sick first fighting with my seizure disorder and then fighting with both types of flu but I am finally feeling better and I have some great thoughts for new stories so this is going to be a great time for me to write. This weekend is going to be the first time I've written in a while so be patient with me. I'm excited though to start writing again.Thanks for all of your support and be sure to comment on my stories I love hearing your thoughts!


@morrisonmygirl thanks hon. I have missed writing and I'm so glad to be feeling better


Welcome back!!! Glad u are back!!


Hey everyone just a couple of announcements. I am so sorry I have not been posting. My husband and I just restarted college and our kids are in virtual schooling so things have been kind of crazy around here. I did post an update to My Hunter Love last night and I will be posting a couple more chapters here soon. Also, I have made the decision to unpublish Fated Through Time, just for the time being. I'm not really happy with the way it's going and I need to sit down and rethink how I want that story. I am happy to announce though that My Hunter Love is #3 for #ghostadventures out of 2.5k stories! Thank you guys so much for your support in my stories. I'm also going to be taking a look at starting a new Hawkeye story. I'm having a little trouble getting that one figured out as well, but I am working on it. I also have a Thor, Loki, Tony, and the third Steve Rogers story that I am working on. We will see how this goes and I'm kind of just posting as I get inspired. It's hard for me to write if I'm not inspired. I just wanted to update you all! Thanks again for all of your support!


All right everyone I am so very sorry it took me so long to update. I have been so busy and been fighting health issues but I have been seeing the notifications that you guys have been voting and adding my stories. I'm so grateful for your support and I can't thank you enough. I am finally back to posting and I am hoping to be on a better schedule soon. Thanks again for all your love and support!


Y'all I'm so excited! My amazing husband just bought me a new computer because he could see how sad I was about my other one! I will be posting tonight on my two Zak Bagans stories and I might even be posting some parts of a new Marvel Avengers POV. I am going to sit down and think of a schedule for my stories. I have so many drafts right now, I have to think of what stories I actually want to write and which ones I decide against. Thank you all for your support! Much love 


Hey guys. I'm absolutely hating what I have to say in this post. My computer that I've only had for about 4 months has decided to push up daisies. I'm fully convinced that my children decided to spill some sort of liquid on it seeing as it had liquid dripping out of it and all over the screen. It wont charge and I cannot turn it on at all. I therefore will have some problems posting updates. I will try to update on my phone but it is so much harder for me than posting on my computer. I'm hoping to have a new one sometime tomorrow and if I do, I will post tomorrow night. Unfortunately I don't know if that's going to happen seeing as things are tight right now and I don't know if I will be able to afford a new one right now. I will keep you guys updated though. I appreciate and love you all so much!