This is Chandankshi
I travelled with Wattpad being a medico-student to Achieving Dr.(Doctor)" in front of my Name.

Writing for me presenting the time in the form of words, seconds and minutes emerge into letters while typing to make the book.

About me? especially there is nothing special to say about me
In fact no-favourite colour
No-favourite food.
No- a favourite place
I am not talkative.
I am not self-centred.
I don't maintain friends group.
I am not a social apps person

But I think I have common sense 🤭 I am a little sensible girl, you can say this by my stories Characters.

I believe the exposure of knowledge keeps you high.

"Empty brains are devils home" I don't like keep myself empty

I am learning passing from one book to another

I wish to maintain zoo! I like pets.

Even I like children too, that's the reason most of the stories childhood plays an important role,
  • انضمApril 10, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
chandanakshi chandanakshi Apr 26, 2024 02:38PM
Heart Strings series 2 - His Heart Echoes He is Her's , Available on Kindle 
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