Hi! I have been reading Wattpad for a long time and there were times that I was on and off in posting my story. Mainly because I was lazy, and well, I was busy but I'll try this time to commit to writing. I know it's still zero up there but it's fine, as long as there's someone reading it, I don't mind. Have a wonderful day!


Yo Noceur for adding I'm a Cyborg's Pet to your bad ass reading list . Reading that I suppose that sounds odd, thanking for you such a small act, but as new authors we get a real buzz every time someone comes across our work Please enjoy the book. Thanks for making our day as writers!
          We send you many internet hugs RK+Reb


Hi! I have been reading Wattpad for a long time and there were times that I was on and off in posting my story. Mainly because I was lazy, and well, I was busy but I'll try this time to commit to writing. I know it's still zero up there but it's fine, as long as there's someone reading it, I don't mind. Have a wonderful day!