
Man I miss writing I wish I had someone to write with


Thanks for the read-thru and votestorm for Earthrise!  I'm glad that you enjoyed the novel.  JC


@WillFlyForFood Of course!! I actually stopped reading the novel I think about 2 years ago due to personal reasons, but since then this novel has been always at the back of my mind (the idea of FTL and first contact always fascinated me). I can say for a fact that it's inspired me to get more into the science genre, both in real life and in novel writing. For that I thank you!


Well whoop de do I'm back after a a few rough patches (alot, like holy hell) I'd like to sincerely apologize to those who counted on me and for my readers who actually looked forward to regular updates, even rough patches don't excuse that, so I'm extremely sorry.
          On that note TABOS will be put on hold and my new lovechild RAVE is *phew* something indeed, I'll be taking it as far and as crazy as inhumanly possible.
          Now no promises on scheduled dates,  (learned that a while ago) also meaning that read requests will be put on hold. I have WAY too many books in my library than I can process (my fault, I get so excited) and I'd like to finish them first before taking requests. I'll be updating everything including maybe an editing phase of what I currently have posted on TABOS. 
          One minor update, currently in the 11th grade of highschool and enjoying it aplenty! (kill me now)
          But ye other than that, I'm back guys! :^))
          And remember --- 
          Stay frosty! ✌


Well hi there just got the notification that you followed. Thanks for that! But more importantly I want to wish you luck on finding stories that you enjoy on here whether or not they be from me is irrelevant :)


@blue_jay Isaw you that you have a story of your own so for now I'll say no lol


@blue_jay well wowza thanks, do you think I'm a new user lol??