
this message may be offensive
Okay I'm rewatching RWBY for the 4th time for Electric Man in Remnant... and I'm gonna change some major ass things. 
          	1. Adam Taurus
          	Man is basically inFAMOUS Cole, he will kill human to prosper his people BUT... one major change is Adam BROKE his code.
          	In RWBY Volume 3 he originally DIDN'T want to help Cinder because she is basically make him fight for a HUMAN cause the ONLY reason on WHY he helped is because she THREATEN them that if they refuse to help she will kill his people (now that's something that 'Evil Cole would do).
          	BUT in the next fuckin Volumes he's just a crazy ex-boyfriend hunting Blake and all the qualities that made up Old Adam is pass onto the lizard or whatever the fawk faunus biatch (I don't even remember her name I just know she uses a whip) then Adam killed the leader of the white fang and a whole city of faunus just to get to Blake... 
          	Moving on the... the Yang and Blake vs Adam... Isn't Adam supposed to be strong as hell (remember in Volume 3 they got their ass handed to them by Adam) I don't see both of them train to get them strong SO they could be at equal footing with Adam (maybe you excuse Yang but those are more like therapy than training)
          	Some smart ass: ☝ Uh Adam was mentally unstable on that fight so he can't think-
          	*BANG* SHUT YO- inhale... exahale... inhale... exhale...
          	2. ...The Flow
          	In the end credit scene of Volume 2 Raven confronts Yang to talk and what happens next... Monty died... his vision gone... So Rooster Teeth chuck the end credit scene as a dream sequence (basically saying it's not canon), now the shows flow has changed (RIP Oum, with the GOAT gone RWBY became... From an S... to a C... to a D)
          	... Now, I am no good writer but the writing of RWBY since Monty died the thing that made RWBY... well RWBY is... well getting weaker as each Volume drops...
          	Thank you for your time for reading this rant from a random guy... Have a nice day


@Us3rm3m3 I think I know what it will be about. I’ll be waiting for it!


@Majora123 Hehehehe since you've ask I'll give you a clue for Willow it's gonna be filmed and the other clue is "No matter how far you go... Train as a much as you like and... Rant all you want you will never succeed"


@Us3rm3m3 I honestly don’t think most of the issues with the flow of the series wasn’t as much to do with Monty’s death and more to do with RT becoming less focused on quality as it had before and growing into a more toxic environment. This is mostly because Monty discussed pretty in-depth where he wanted the series to go but the execs probably said “don’t care, get it done fast” and the CRWBY was forced to comply due to contract and/or some other factor(s). It is something of a shame how things went but if it ever comes back, I’ll probably continue along for the ride, because many of its flaws can be overlooked if you aren’t overly critical (which I tend not to be).


this message may be offensive
Okay I'm rewatching RWBY for the 4th time for Electric Man in Remnant... and I'm gonna change some major ass things. 
          1. Adam Taurus
          Man is basically inFAMOUS Cole, he will kill human to prosper his people BUT... one major change is Adam BROKE his code.
          In RWBY Volume 3 he originally DIDN'T want to help Cinder because she is basically make him fight for a HUMAN cause the ONLY reason on WHY he helped is because she THREATEN them that if they refuse to help she will kill his people (now that's something that 'Evil Cole would do).
          BUT in the next fuckin Volumes he's just a crazy ex-boyfriend hunting Blake and all the qualities that made up Old Adam is pass onto the lizard or whatever the fawk faunus biatch (I don't even remember her name I just know she uses a whip) then Adam killed the leader of the white fang and a whole city of faunus just to get to Blake... 
          Moving on the... the Yang and Blake vs Adam... Isn't Adam supposed to be strong as hell (remember in Volume 3 they got their ass handed to them by Adam) I don't see both of them train to get them strong SO they could be at equal footing with Adam (maybe you excuse Yang but those are more like therapy than training)
          Some smart ass: ☝ Uh Adam was mentally unstable on that fight so he can't think-
          *BANG* SHUT YO- inhale... exahale... inhale... exhale...
          2. ...The Flow
          In the end credit scene of Volume 2 Raven confronts Yang to talk and what happens next... Monty died... his vision gone... So Rooster Teeth chuck the end credit scene as a dream sequence (basically saying it's not canon), now the shows flow has changed (RIP Oum, with the GOAT gone RWBY became... From an S... to a C... to a D)
          ... Now, I am no good writer but the writing of RWBY since Monty died the thing that made RWBY... well RWBY is... well getting weaker as each Volume drops...
          Thank you for your time for reading this rant from a random guy... Have a nice day


@Us3rm3m3 I think I know what it will be about. I’ll be waiting for it!


@Majora123 Hehehehe since you've ask I'll give you a clue for Willow it's gonna be filmed and the other clue is "No matter how far you go... Train as a much as you like and... Rant all you want you will never succeed"


@Us3rm3m3 I honestly don’t think most of the issues with the flow of the series wasn’t as much to do with Monty’s death and more to do with RT becoming less focused on quality as it had before and growing into a more toxic environment. This is mostly because Monty discussed pretty in-depth where he wanted the series to go but the execs probably said “don’t care, get it done fast” and the CRWBY was forced to comply due to contract and/or some other factor(s). It is something of a shame how things went but if it ever comes back, I’ll probably continue along for the ride, because many of its flaws can be overlooked if you aren’t overly critical (which I tend not to be).


this message may be offensive
Okay I got negative takes for RWBY
          1. Blake x Yang ship
          I'm not homophobic (I have a gay brother and uncle, a lesbian sister and a bisexual mother) anyway, the confession is fucked up. 
          I mean it's like confess or be trapped forever type. A GOOD ship is like Nora and Ren
          Nora showed affection to Ren, then grew to have a mutual attraction to each other, then they kiss, then say I love and then put their relationship on the back SO they could sort themselves out.
          SEE they have ARC fucking ARCS on their relationship Blake and Yang yeah they did touch touch BUT the way it way revealed is so fucking stupidly rushed. 
          2. Fight scenes
          It's no faster but have no impact, like Yang's punches used to have power behind it and slow BUT NOW they added speed but no power
          Another example is Ruby used to use the recoil to get faster or redirect herself, she used to use the Crescent Rose as a stand
          Next Nora used to use the recoil (remember that JNPR fight that scorpion grimm) 
          Next Wiess used to use to spam her glyphs BUT NOW she's just a summoner.
          Oh how could I forget the guns are barely used
          3. Weapons
          I thought Ruby's gun is a HIGH CALIBER SNIPER SO WHY DOES IT HIT LIKE PELLET GUN?! As matter of fact the guns feel like pellet gun TELL ME RIGHT NOW ON VOLUME 8 DID THE GUNS FIT THEIR CALIBER (even Ironwood's laser gun just destroys rocks and that's it) 
          OH HOW COULD I FORGET! PEOPLE DON'T MAKE THEIR OWN WEAPONS ANYMORE (all characters makes there own weapons in the exception of Jaune)
          Remember that RWBY and JN_R have upgrades BUT instead of THEM making the weapons IT WAS ATLAS
          4. Semblances
          Maria Calivera's semblance reflexes is basically spidey sense BITCH everybody basically has that
          Ironwood's semblance is... If he focuses on something he can't let go off it (like imagine the reason he's not helping the people is because of his semblance telling him defeating Salem is more important)


@Us3rm3m3, I like to think that there have been many moments where it could have been layered and brought to canonization.


@Us3rm3m3 not gonna lie I kinda thought ruby and jaune would get together ik she 15 and all but I at least though she had a little crush on him 
            and speaking of jaune I was upset oh how his parents didn't at least teach him how to defend himself or tell him the basics on Aura I mean you guys live in a world full of monsters I also hate how Weiss keeps talking to him so harshly yes his flirting was annoying but come on at least his feelings for her was real and he wasn't after her money he didn't even know who Pyrrha was much less who she was 
            and finally I hate how they made the maidens op when you compare it to magic from other anime's their pretty weak


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@DdZATEP6030 Eh I don't know, it really just boils down on how you deliver it. If you don't do it by layer like Nora and Ren then you must be some dumbass.
            Like this one time I read a story about the most popular girl fell in love with a introverted boy, I can't  remember the reason and even the title because it didn't leave a lasting impression


Okay this is not an update, I'm just suggesting a theory for Hazbin Hotel (because I want it to be real for my book) 
          What if mommy~ I-I-I mean Carmilla Carmine was an angle? 
          Like think her color theme is almost the same as Vaggie BUT her skin is the same as Sera
          Some of my friends she's a former Exterminator BUT I actually think she's a seraphim, h-hold on hear me out IF she IS an Exterminator it wouldn't make sense for her to have kids cause... Sinners and Winners can't have kids (I think Exterminators are actually Winners turned soldier, I mean look at Vaggie she was a prostitute when she was a human).
          SO it would make MORE sense if she was a seraphim like Lucifer like think (Y/n) think! 
          Lucifer (a seraphim might I remind you) can have kids (Charlie). So IF Carmilla is a seraphim she can ALSO have kids (Clara and Odette)
          I THINK she can have kids BUT can only mate with hellborns or angleborns.
          I'm just over analyzing and wasted my damn time and she's actually a sinner and her daughters died with her. 
          BUT remember everyone!
          It all just a theory~
          A FILM THEORY!
          Thanks for reading ♥


@Us3rm3m3 yeah I can see those being a possibility.


@SOTD50k I meant that seraphims don't use holy weapon not Carmilla not using weapons


@SOTD50k Oh almost forgot sinners can't reproduce cause it's a punishment (to not be able to create life) BUT it's NOT confirmed if winners can reproduce cause hello it's heaven the 'eternal' paradies


Hey did you see wattpad rules change? You might want to secure your stuff before wattpad decides to be a dick and delete them


Oh ok, good to know


@Rdaguerc24 Yeah and yes I've already secured my stuff and I even warn my friends




Great to see you back Us3rm3m3 - you've been to heck and back and hope you're recovering well :D


@Us3rm3m3 he lives!!!!.........QUICK KILL IT!