
Why is it that individuals feel the need to keep their opinions in light of an objective truth? Does objectivity even hold merit as a philosophical concept? Especially when faced with emotional attachment?


@LaliAlani Or, perhaps, they confuse subjectivity with objectivity. Either way, thank you for your input. It was a curious question; one I felt needed to be asked.


@TrueCaliber If I had to answer this question, I would say the reason is that most individuals have a lack of proper ethical behavior. They confuse objectivity with subjectivity.


Hello there my friend wants to improve her writing skils and wanted to share her world through advertizing her book called HER- It is her first romance book where the main cast Cassy lavern met a man by the carraga cliff called Xavier dawn. If you do not like to read romance you can always visit her poetry: insomniac poetry, mr and ms poetry 


Why is it that individuals feel the need to keep their opinions in light of an objective truth? Does objectivity even hold merit as a philosophical concept? Especially when faced with emotional attachment?


@LaliAlani Or, perhaps, they confuse subjectivity with objectivity. Either way, thank you for your input. It was a curious question; one I felt needed to be asked.


@TrueCaliber If I had to answer this question, I would say the reason is that most individuals have a lack of proper ethical behavior. They confuse objectivity with subjectivity.


I wouldn't normally do this, but this particular album has really touched my heart in so many ways, along with the game that spawned it: Life is Strange. Every song is based off of this game that brought out so much emotion in me and many others as well, which is why each and every one of these songs are just as beautiful, because they're based off of such an amazing title. So I urge anyone, and everyone here, to support this person, and his work. He's obviously put his heart and soul into the songs he writes and sings, and I think that deserves some acknowledgment. Check out this album, and share it with the people you know, if it's not too much trouble:


          I see you love sci-fi, dystopia books.
          Do you mind reading my book Obscura: Awakening 
          Please check it out on my profile, maybe follow and comment if you like ♥


            Oh how cool of you!
            Okay, thank you so much. Be sure to drop a comment on your favourite parts ♥


@gavrielkhan Sure! I'm happy to support anyone who's kind enough to follow me; within reason of course; but I'm reading a physical copy of another dystopian novel right now. However, I'll make sure to check out your book as soon as I can.


Don't worry. I thought I would get alot of negative feedback as well when I started.  All though some grammar Nazi yelled at me, I'm cool.


@IceTopazGem I'm sure your story will be fine, and if it isn't so then I'll only use constructive criticism. I mean, that's what I do anyway, and you have the benefit of improving for your future stories! It's a win win.


@IceTopazGem thanks bro! It might not be your style to read. I hope you future stories work out as well  


@IceTopazGem And good luck on your story! Hope it works out!