
New short - and fun and crazy - story! This one was written to integrate the anthology "99 Stories about Chickens", where @Wuckster aims to collect 99 stories by different authors, sharing the common feature of being - surprise, surprise - about chickens! Check it out, create your own chicken story! Mine is science-fiction, but every genre goes, as long as chickens play a relevant part.
          	You can find it here: https://www.wattpad.com/1354344185-99-stories-about-chickens-an-anthology-hen-z-by
          	Happy readings and writings!


Hey, sorry for dropping this message out of nowhere on your message board but if you are intrested in an apocalyptic sci-fi book and are willing to support a young writer you should check out World Left In Pieces! Comments, votes and shares are much appreciated <33


@ under_the_stars232  looks interesting, I'll take note of it to check out! :)


New short - and fun and crazy - story! This one was written to integrate the anthology "99 Stories about Chickens", where @Wuckster aims to collect 99 stories by different authors, sharing the common feature of being - surprise, surprise - about chickens! Check it out, create your own chicken story! Mine is science-fiction, but every genre goes, as long as chickens play a relevant part.
          You can find it here: https://www.wattpad.com/1354344185-99-stories-about-chickens-an-anthology-hen-z-by
          Happy readings and writings!


Hello @TasiaMera how can I find your contacts ?Have gone through your work its amazing  
          I love your work and I wish that someday I write a good work like you...text me on whatsap please 


@Ced38106185 Thank you, I really appreciate that. I don't share my phone contact online, but you can always reach out by PM my inbox on here!


Looks like my short story Mayday won @ScienceFiction May challenge. Yay! It was so fun to write, I'm glad I found their prompt when I did. Check it out!
          Happy readings and writings!


@ GageFerreyra777  thanks! I'm kind of pondering it as well


@TasiaMera Congratulations! It was a fantastic story that had me hooked from start to finish! I hope you make a series out of it!


I have just changed Chimaera's cover. It's basically the same concept, I know, only with a bit more of a flare. What do you think?


@ GageFerreyra777  Thank you! Glad to have one opinion xD


I've just posted a short story to take part into the @ScienceFiction May 2023 Challenge. Go check it out, write your own story to participate! 
          Here is mine, do take a look!
          Happy reading and writings!


@TasiaMera It's a very good short story! I loved reading it!


Greetings, oh chosen ones who've had a glimpse into the secret gem that is Chimaera! You endured a strenuous wait because you knew it wuld be rewarded... and it was, at long last!
          So basically, I've uploaded a new chapter for Chimaera:
          and have a few others lined up. 
          Thank you so much for staying there, I do rely on your support to keep going :)