
If you live in the Netherlands, please sign this petition. 
          	The (soon) new government wants to increase taxes on books from 9% to 21%, which will make books less accessible.
          	Books are the basis of learning to read and language proficiency. So please sign the petition.


I know I've been quiet on here, but behind the scenes, I'm working hard on multiple projects.
          - Sin Eater is almost fully edited now, which means I can send it to my line editor soon.
          - Scars and Secrets is next on my list to edit, and I think I figured out how to change the beginning. 
          - I'm designing a few printables to help plot a story. There will be a character sheet with information on the main character and their character arc, love interest, family, and side characters. I made one for places in the story, and I'm converting the Plot Tree (which can be read in How to Write a Book) to a printable too. I hope to be able to use it soon for some reverse plotting and for some new story ideas.
          - City of the Damned is still being written offline, and I hope to edit some chapters to post to Wattpad soon.
          - And I'm planning something exciting for the Datura community. Our own writing challenge (and rewards), which I'll tell more about later.
          If you want to keep up with me, don't be shy and follow me on Instagram or Threads @tallefey.


This week I made the tough decision to leave the Ambassadors program. I loved working with the team and enjoyed the tasks I had, but after all the decisions Wattpad (the company) made, I didn't trust them anymore. Their statement about the DMs didn't help with that. I don't agree with a lot of changes that happened, the ones still to come, or their reasoning.
          It was time for me to spread my wings and do other things, but I wish the ambassadors all the best! Their the heart of the community and Wattpad needs them.


Wattpad is not supporting DMs and this feature will be closed on May 6th.
          If you want to contact me, I'm on Threads and Instagram @tallefey and on Tiktok @ feytalle


@Olivia_Benedetti I'm scared of what else is to come but I guess we will have to make the best of it
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Yes which sucks I’ve made a book and tagging people about it. This sucks 
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Award Alert!
          Hey everyone! @TheSavantGirls are hosting the Savant Awards (TSA) for this year and they have just started opening the slots for judges 
          There will be a total of 11 genres available and 3 mini categories. Judges have their own special set of prizes and are free to enter their works in any other genre that they’re not overseeing. Registration for the participants will start in May! For more information you can check out TSA in the link below 


We can't spread this information enough!
          Heads up, if you write YA/Teen fiction, the content guideline will change on April 15th. You can find more information here: