
'Addicted to Meth' by @EnglishToffee17 is back, so check it out guys.


Im writing  this post to say thank you so much for that list cause I’ve been lookin for this book for about an hour and I could not find it I know a lot about it just not the name I’ve been going through all my reading lists looking for it I even tried google searching it but I still couldn’t find it so I started looking at all the lists of the best books on Wattpad because I knew for sure it would be there so I start looking in your list and I saw that I’ve read most of the books and I was like wow if she has all these great books she must have the book I’m looking for and you did (it was red rebellious or something like that I only just saw it and left cause I had to write you about it but anyway) thank you for the list and I’m going to back over it because so many of my favorites are there so there must be some good books I’ve never read and I also might want to reread some