
✨ Literally to everyone following me, this is a dead account with old copies of my first books up. My good profile which I highly recommend is @whoscountinganyway and it has the better copies of my books and finished books, poetry and series up ✨
          	Link in my bio ❤


Are you still actively writing Gamma Jace?


okay! thank you!


@_surreality I dont know if youre still interested but the rewritten version is now being published on my good account @whoscountinganyway and will be updated regularly !


Hey! Anyone who has read my books or interested in following a great profile please check out my active on that has some great books @whoscountingaway (a link will be in my bio and below in a comment) and where I'm rewriting Bad Boy; Small World as The Golden Jax and the Genie please go check it out there's some great content!


This is the profile, please check it out!


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


Yall please go follow my real, better account!!! 
          I have 6 books, 2 completed ones with one over 191K reads and the other at 29K reads and a poetry book
          I'm going to transfer the books from this account over and continue them there :)


@delpaw this is the profile!!!


@SarcasticPerson13 search up 'whoscountinganyway' or whos counting anyway and my profile will pop up, its an orange skeleton, also I direct messaged you a link and in my reading lists youll find a list of my books from my good profile


@SarcasticPerson13 i still can't find it


Are any of your stories completed?


@SarcasticPerson13 all good! & thank you! I'll probably check that out a little later.


@_surreality sorry I'm just getting back to you I have 2 finished books on my real, better account @whoscountinganyway ome called the Devil ranking over 190K reads and the sequel the Wolf rankinh over 28K reads :)
            So sorry I didnt see this sooner and I hope youre still intruiged 


I have 4 Books out of 1 series I'm calling the Mortal Tears, it starts with The Shy Crier (and its sequel The Witch Doesn't Die In This One) then The Silent Fighter and last The Dragon Doesnt Cry. Please go check it out (especially TSC chapters 20-44) I hope you won't be disappointed!


'People are like oceans' she had whispered as we held hands that fit perfectly together. 'You can not know them by their surfaces, learn that before they drag you under.' I realized now that she was telling me an important thing,  something  that means more than just a odd quote from a beautiful woman. But I can't tell you that you have to figure it out by yourself just like I did. Little one, I love you" The girls grandpa told her after she asked him who did he first love. "I love you too. What does that mean?" She attempt to pry at the hidden truth. 
          "It means observe and listen,  give and give up. Be the best person you can and you will understand." 
          Ever since that day the little girl grew the best she could,  observed all that she did and gave up so much for others,  she was pure.
          And yet everyone didn't notice her,  people thought of her as cold because she thought before she spoke and looked before hugging. She was okay with this because even though those people never notice her she didn't judge them as they never noticed anything that she did.
          She loved that she and one of those people could look at the same thing and see something completely different. 
          For she was different.