Hello Watters! I am just another soul bumbling around on this blue green planet with you. I enjoy relaxing with a book, live music, intense debate, and cuddling with my family. I am adventurous in the kitchen and enjoy hosting friends and family for get togethers. Favorite artists, works, and people include: Prince, Claude Monet, George Seurat, Tori Amos, Neil Gaiman, Douglas Adams, George R. R. Martin, Ansel Adams, Georges Perec, Mark Z. Danielewiski, Jack Nicholson,  Barak Obama, The Godfather,  Terry Prachett, Alton Brown, The Notorious B.I.G., Norah Jones, The Princess Bride, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, and Rachel Maddow.
  • JoinedSeptember 12, 2016


Story by SaltyDog27