
@HeroicPenguin Thanks! Happy New Year to you as well!


I very much enjoyed In the Rouge. I enjoyed your humor and the flow was very good. I found myself unable to stop reading. One thing I enjoyed was Gatley's inability to understand anything that was going on yet he still managed to succeed. I do wish we had learned more about the Mime. It saddens me that you are no longer putting anything on Wattpad. I do hope you publish your work, I would love to be able to buy it and read more. 


I was sorry to see your note about leaving wattpad.  In the Rouge was one of the best reads I've come acroos here.  I love the banter and interplay between your very real characters and was very much looking forward to seeing how the story played out.  Best wishes in your literary endeavors.  For what it's worth, I think you have real talent.


I adore your bio of yourself. And your book descriptions are witty and quirky. they remind me of Douglas Adams. gonna follow you and see what you come up with! and your writing style totally reminds me of a friend d of mine who self published on Amazon! have a good day!