
Is it just me or did Wattpad’s update screw with the chapter order of books? Half of the stories I’m trying to re-read are all out of order. Ugh  


I’m sorry for not being active on here as mush as I have been in the past. My life with work and school makes connections with my online life hard to maintain. I’m still here don’t worry, if you need someone to chat with I’m here for you. I’m thinking about adding another poetry book or remaking some, what do you think? I’ve written a few, but I haven’t had the courage to share them here yet.


What would people think if I did a book similar to an individual one. I'm sadly going to discontinue my fantasy roleplay an this shall replace it. @shadow_Kindai if you want we can continue the small quest from the Fantasy roleplay, and when that's done you can do this new idea or whatever you want to do.  ~Rose


Okay, I'm fine with that I enjoy individual roleplays and im glad we can continue the quest because I quite enjoy it 


My lovely and loyal roleplayers. The few that have remained. I've changed the adventures of our roleplay as you've now seen. A tournament is no longer the goal of these characters and I realize that is why some of you joined. There isn't enough people to really do anything so I've made the characters the trusted few who will be assigned quests by the Gods. Almost like Percy Jackson in a sense. I've made a separate book for the quests as I don't want one book to be 500 chapters long. Thanks for staying and hopefully we get more people. May the Gods watch over you~ Rose
          P.s: Questions will be answered here if you have any
          @crayola32 @jancy00 @BrandedBear @Shadow_Kindai


Sounds awsome actually:)


Sounds cool ^-^


Changes have been made and the rp characters are still being updated. I've added more general info to the background of the fantasy rp. I'm also going to be taking names for the cover. Please read what has been added. ~Rose
          @crayola33 @jancy00 @Shadow_Kindai @Brandedbear