
So about the things I'll be doing...
          	1. The Nova Nexus Awards: #WattysPrep edition will continue...but due to the low number of entries, we'll be changing the format from awards to a comprehensive review shop for the Wattys. More details soon. 
          	2. The challenge from Readers Odyssey will be discontinued due to several issues. All participants will be REFUNDED via comments on their stories from me. @captain_author @lovelyzealousangel @sandydragon1 @_KimAes_ @_Me_be_like_ @_mapl3 (Please tell if you'd like me to read a specific story)
          	3. Writing's on the back burner this year (although I'm tempted by the #Wattys). But for now, I'm thinking of joining a review shop or a book club. Any recommendations?


@RookWri78  And I have a friend who short-listed this year, so I am really happy for her. I know how much she's gown as a writer this year, and it's so thrilling to see the recognition she deserves. Sometimes congratulating others takes out of our own head.   There is probably that amazing writer who never gets a congratulation and doesn't have support.


@RookWri78 I am tempted by the Wattys, but I also want to make an illustrated adaption of my most popular book, which would probably make it impossible to enter, but they are 50% different, so I am not sure if it counts.


So about the things I'll be doing...
          1. The Nova Nexus Awards: #WattysPrep edition will continue...but due to the low number of entries, we'll be changing the format from awards to a comprehensive review shop for the Wattys. More details soon. 
          2. The challenge from Readers Odyssey will be discontinued due to several issues. All participants will be REFUNDED via comments on their stories from me. @captain_author @lovelyzealousangel @sandydragon1 @_KimAes_ @_Me_be_like_ @_mapl3 (Please tell if you'd like me to read a specific story)
          3. Writing's on the back burner this year (although I'm tempted by the #Wattys). But for now, I'm thinking of joining a review shop or a book club. Any recommendations?


@RookWri78  And I have a friend who short-listed this year, so I am really happy for her. I know how much she's gown as a writer this year, and it's so thrilling to see the recognition she deserves. Sometimes congratulating others takes out of our own head.   There is probably that amazing writer who never gets a congratulation and doesn't have support.


@RookWri78 I am tempted by the Wattys, but I also want to make an illustrated adaption of my most popular book, which would probably make it impossible to enter, but they are 50% different, so I am not sure if it counts.


I have depression. Again.
          Hey everyone. I'm finally active (sort of) after the Gigantic Meltdown I've had from March. And wow...many things have changed, both in Wattpad  #RIPPrivateMessaging et. al) and in the outside world. 
          Honestly, the weight on my shoulders have never been this substantial since the early stages of the Pandemic...and so I was inactive and unresponsive, withdrew from most of the communities I was in (save the Ambs), and didn't take part in #ONC2024 . But after observing the events here and everywhere, I couldn't just sit and wallow in my darkness.
          So, here's what I've decided to do: I'm going to CHANGE EVERYTHING about this world- just kidding.  Or am I? 
          (Part 1/2)


@RookWri78  :-) I did a lot of research and I know realize messenger leaving, while sad, it is the best thing for readers and writers.  
            I hope there is less stress for you. 
            Oh, I also created a thank-you book. Thanking others who have helped me is a great stress reliever.


@RookWri78 Glad your back. Things are changing. And change isn't always fun. I knew I wouldn't have time for ONC2024 if I wanted to publish my latest novel, so I decided to be supportive and congratulate the winners. Not every contest is for us.


In celebration of my amazing two years at Wattpad, I (and my forever friend/competitor @onestraykid ) have decided to host a fun contest that accepts COMPLETE & ONGOING STORIES and provides a comprehensive review right before the start of this year's Wattys season. 
          Welcome to the Nova Nexus Awards: #WattysPrep Edition!!
          Accepting Entries from March 31st - April 14th 2024


Hey guys! ! Apologies for the radio silence. I apologize for the delay in my response. I had hoped to reply sooner, but unforeseen circumstances arose. Thank you for waiting! 
          Due to the low number of entries, we've decided to not declare the category winners. We've pooled in all 24 entries and judged them together (criterion's different for short stories). Reviews and Honourable Mentions to be posted by 4 PM today (29th March 2024). So stay tuned!
          P.S: More on Libero Edits, Readers Odyssey and more soon.


Hi there, it's me, a super new author in the field,
          Inspired by Sonal_writes, my creativity is revealed.
          Chapter 1,2,3,4,5&6 of my debut book are out,
          Love, humour, and business, that's what it's all about!
          Join me on this literary journey so grand,
          Where emotions and laughter go hand in hand.
          Check out the book and let the adventure begin,
          With love, humour, and business, let the story win! ✨