
My new fic "Two Is A Lonely Number" is finally up and posted! It's been a while since I've posted and I wanted everyone to be able to read something new from me. Hope you all enjoy!


I had been wondering where you had disappeared to a few years ago. Im glad your back. I also look forward to seeing how "Chased" is continued. I've kept it in my library and archive all this time, waiting for it to come back along with you. I'm happy to know that unlike many of the stories I read, these will be continued. 
                                             -Your New Follower,
                                                         Spartan Abortion 113


So... I've been gone for a while. Anyways, since all of this quarantine stuff has happened, I have been able to get back into writing and I'm working on a new story idea. I know a lot of people are still waiting for Chased to come off from hiatus, but I've been rewatching TF: Prime a lot recently and decided to try something I had in mind. It's focused around Starscream and an oc I made a while back, so if you guys wanna read it, let me know. Thanks for being patient with me.


@RockandRoller00 I'll surely read it! I know it'll be good! Also, I can't wait to do another roleplay with you! Whenever you can/want to, of course lol. Hope you're doing alright, friend!