
Sorry I’ve been away for so long I’ve stopped using Wattpad so much.  But I just wanted to say well done to everyone. I’ve just had to move loads of books from under1k up into the next category and some books from projectundiscoveredbediscovered to books now discovered. Big well done!! :)


Sorry I’ve been away for so long I’ve stopped using Wattpad so much.  But I just wanted to say well done to everyone. I’ve just had to move loads of books from under1k up into the next category and some books from projectundiscoveredbediscovered to books now discovered. Big well done!! :)


Thanks for following me :D
          If you want a tip for helping stories to gain readers: be sure to add as many relevant tags as possible :) If you can't think of what tags are being used, look at similar stories to yours and what those writers used for tags ♥ Hope this'll help :)


Np! Thanks for the advice