
Hi you guys! Well, I would like to ask a favor of you. Would you mind reading my friends book named Something Hard to Believe? This is her first book and she needs a little push. Thanks in advance to all of you guys. Link is below


So does your username mean you're 
           Aetheist? I'm just curious you don't have to share, and I won't be hateful either way. Personally, I'm an Atheist, but I don't really care which you are, just curious.


@No-religion-No-faith oh, I see. Thanks for replying!! :)


@AnnabethJackson0000 Hi, no I'm not an atheist, I just don't believe in religion and I struggle with keeping faith in my spirituality


I read a comment of yours on abook and i decided to check ur profile in hope to find intersting books in ur library but then i read ur status and i had to send u a message. I have 2 depressed friends. One of them cuts herself and the other pushed me away when her depression got worse and wont talk to me. I cant help them but i hope i can help u cuz im tired of people losing their lives to depression. Please contact me if u need someone to talk to and ill do my best to help u . I just hope im not to late since i noticed ur update was 2weeks ago. I just want u to know that if u feel no one cares ill always care and i hope u contact me