
Now that I'm on a break from school, I'm planning on working on future novels to publish in the future. But also! I'm contemplating unpublishing Book 5 of my When Mrs. Infamous... series because it doesn't seem to get as much interaction and I believe I could do better with the concluding chapter of this story. Will probably start on this before or after the holidays, but I am confident that whatever I try to rewrite this last book will be better than my current draft.


@MrsClockwork I have not gotten to read it yet is why i say that. Its up to you lol. Ill be getting to it or the remake so. Xx
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@HayleeGeorgette Well, if you like it, I probably won't bother with rewriting it.
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@MrsClockwork - hope you still keep the draft up too tho.
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Now that I'm on a break from school, I'm planning on working on future novels to publish in the future. But also! I'm contemplating unpublishing Book 5 of my When Mrs. Infamous... series because it doesn't seem to get as much interaction and I believe I could do better with the concluding chapter of this story. Will probably start on this before or after the holidays, but I am confident that whatever I try to rewrite this last book will be better than my current draft.


@MrsClockwork I have not gotten to read it yet is why i say that. Its up to you lol. Ill be getting to it or the remake so. Xx
जवाब दें


@HayleeGeorgette Well, if you like it, I probably won't bother with rewriting it.
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@MrsClockwork - hope you still keep the draft up too tho.
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Now that I've started working on my first novel, I'm getting the feeling that I'll probably retire from this app or at least this account out of 2 other account I have for stories.
          It seemed like it was about to happen soon since I don't really write as often as I used to when I started here.
          The only thing I feel bad about is having to leave behind the fanfics I didn't finish, but maybe I'll come back to them or rewrite them as my own original novels to be published for everyone else to read.
          How many of you would miss me and how many would still continue to support me when I put out my first book?


@MrsClockwork I will miss you but I'll support you and your new novels. Good luck!
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So after getting my Associate degree, I wanted to get started on writing my first novel this week, but trying to write it like my fanfic didn't seem right and I realized something. I can't write this story like my fanfic because it was written only to fit in for the fandom and this novel needs to be its own story that everyone will be able to enjoy regardless of whether they are in the same fandom as me. So, that means I'll have to start the story all over again in a way that readers will enjoy and I'll be proud of. 
          To be perfectly honest, I'm actually kind of excited again because I've always loved this story, but now I can make it all over again in a way that I'll feel good about. It took me about 4-5 months to write my fanfic, but who knows? Maybe this novel will take about as long if not a little longer. Either way, I'm so excited to finally get to writing my first book that I hope will be published very soon so I can get it out for everyone to enjoy. If you're a fan of my books, are you excited to read one of mine on actual paper/in a physical format?
          P.S. if someone can give me tips on how to get an audiobook made for my books and/or have them translated into different  languages, that'd be great because it's just as important to me to make it possible for everyone to read my stories.


Anyone still reading my latest "When Mrs. Infamous..." book whenever I can update it or has it lost your interest? This was one series I was hoping to adapt as my own original story when I start writing my own novels. I just want to know if my stories are still good enough to read.


Headcanon for "When Mrs. Infamous..." after reading/watching "Daisy Jones and The Six":
          Carina was a diehard fan of Daisy Jones after seeing another redhead like her become a legend for her voice and spirit alone. Like most people, her heart was broken when the band split up forever but she got to see them once before so when Remington took her to a show during their Aurora tour as a surprise.


Book 5 of my "When Mrs. Infamous..." series is now available to read with the first 2 parts up, a prologue and a 1st chapter. This will be the final book of this series and while it is bittersweet for me to finally end it, I'm happy to bring a good conclusion to one of my favorite stories to ever write that has made so many readers happy. As soon as I finish this book, I'll move on to some other incomplete books and/or start new ones. I hope you all will join me in ending this beautiful story and express what you loved most about it.


Book 4 of my "When Mrs. Infamous..." series has been completed, but there will soon be a fifth and final book to be published soon that will end this beloved series for good! Check my Twitter in my bio to help me pick a photo to be used for the book cover!


I need to know if anyone is actually reading "When Mrs. Infamous..." Book 4 since it's all I'm currently focused on and this is a series I plan to finish before I try to work on anything else. If you are reading the recent chapters, let me know if you like where it's going so far.


Guys, I've recently read The Selection series by Kiera Cass for the first time (the 1st 3 books) and I cannot get over how beautiful and gut-wrenching the story was. If anyone here has read it as well, how would you feel about a Palaye Royale × Selection AU?


@MrsClockwork I'd support your decision if you decided to do a series of each brother! It sounds super interesting
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@TickleMeEmo It's a great series, kind of if The Hunger Games met The Bachelor with a  royalty setting. It made me think of my books like "Rebirth" and "Bittersweet" and how much I loved them and was proud of them. I could even do my own fanfic series with each brother! :D
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@MrsClockwork I've never read the Selection, though I've heard about it, but I'm definitely interested!
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Guys! I came to class today to listen to my classmates' reviews on the 1st chapter of one of my fanfics (When Mrs. Infamous Met The Masochist), and the feedback was more positive than I expected! It especially made me more happy to learn that they were hoping to know more about the story and what I've told so far! It makes me so excited to see more people (especially outside of a fandom) interested in my story in just the 1st chapter! 


@TickleMeEmo Thank you! I've been working to get started on writing my first draft of my fanfic as an original story and today helped me know it'll be enjoyed dby a lot of people ^_^
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@MrsClockwork that's so awesome! I'm so happy for you!!!! The positive reviews are deserved from what I remember of the first chapter of your story!!
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