
I seriously hate Wattpad right now. More specifically the writing tool and its updates. Currently, when I copy already written chapters from MS Word and paste them to the writing tool, that f*cking tool erases all, and I mean ALL, formats from the text. So there's no italics, no concentration (though that's nothing new), not even paragraphs! If I had to find something positive about this, that'd be that at least they didn't erase spaces between words, too.
          	So currently I'm trying to decide whether or not this will affect my ongoing story 'Home Is Where Your Heart Is'. If you've followed the story so far, I'm just about to post an A/N about the topic.


"Home is where the heart belongs" is a really good book. I enjoy your updates and when you respond to my comments. Thanks! :D


@Merenwen93 Yes it is here on wattpad ;) if you would like to read it, it's called "Snow and the 13 Dwarves." It may not be the best of works, but some people enjoy it, and I'm thankful for that.


@LabyrinthLover12345 Hah, mistakes are what autocorrect does best, right? ;)  I've always responded to the comments on my stories because in my opinion writers, especially fan fiction writers who do this simply for fun, are nothing without readres. And of course it means the world to me to know that there are people out there who actually like my writings :) Speaking of which, hak you for your review again! Sara's panic stems mainly from the fact that despite all the monsters Westlands have, giant spiders don't belong to that list. So she basically freaks out. :D It didn't even cross my mind that your story might be a copy simply because the main character's name is similar (funny fact, my dad's fiancee and I have a same name :D). You're writing that story of yours here in Wattpad? I'll admit to some curiosity ;)


            *Is not Belongs
            My autocorrect is used to another story


I seriously hate Wattpad right now. More specifically the writing tool and its updates. Currently, when I copy already written chapters from MS Word and paste them to the writing tool, that f*cking tool erases all, and I mean ALL, formats from the text. So there's no italics, no concentration (though that's nothing new), not even paragraphs! If I had to find something positive about this, that'd be that at least they didn't erase spaces between words, too.
          So currently I'm trying to decide whether or not this will affect my ongoing story 'Home Is Where Your Heart Is'. If you've followed the story so far, I'm just about to post an A/N about the topic.


It seems like I've got a thing for short stories now... Last night I got one of those infamous ideas that just simply refused to let me be, and now I've spent first last night until the small hours and then this whole day writing that idea out of my head. It should be available for reading in few minutes.


While still readying the story I'm going to publish next, I thought I could publish the notes I've made while writing it. So in oncoming days you're going to get a four-chaptered book about how I see certain parts of Dwarven culture in The Hobbit/LotR-universe


I got an idea for an original story about twins and a video game. It's gonna take very long before I get to publish anything, though, 'cause I have to do a LOT research about that game (in other words, I have to play through that game and make notes about my progress), but I've got a feeling that it might be interesting once I have it written down.