
Hey friends! 
          	So I sadly did not succeed in trying to complete all of my unfinished fanfics on Wattpad before my birthday back in May, but I’m still trying to still to get it done. My main priority right now is my Danny Phantom fanfic so hopefully I can get all the chapters written and posted soon. I don’t mean to sound rude at all when I say that I really don’t care if my newer fanfics don’t get a lot of views or likes, because the fandom isn’t very popular anymore. But I feel like it will be satisfying and make me personally feel accomplished/proud of myself by completing all of them. 
          	I also want to thank you all for your continuous love and support on my books even 5 years after some of them have been published to Wattpad. It blows my mind with how sweet you guys are and y’all never fail to amaze me.
          	On a side note, a few of you have been asking for me to republish my fanfic sequel, “How to Extinguish a Shooting Star” and to be honest, I unfortunately deleted the original version of it. I may try to write it again, but fair warning, it will not be the same and I really don’t have any ideas on where I want it to go/how to write it. But if you are interested, please let me know so I know that some people would be willing/wanting to read it if I decide to try and write it again. 
          	Lots of love to you all and I hope that you are staying safe and healthy. 
          	-Izzy <3 


Ps. The goal for my Danny Phantom fanfic is to have it completed by next Monday which should be doable as long as I stick my chapter lay-out and complete 2 chapters a day. :)


Hey guys! I’m not sure if you guys are aware, but Isabel sadly passed away a little over a year and a half ago. Isabel was a very sweet girl who brightened the light of everyone around her. I just figured as her readers you deserved to know why updates or new story’s no longer occur. Isabel was very thankful for each and every one of you, so thank you for having such a positive impact on her life. Much love to all of you out there <33 


@liv_skowfoe hope she's happy where ever she is may she rest in peace 


wow... I hope she is happy where she is now and I hope she is resting in peace.


@ liv_skowfoe  oh god- I hope they are resting on peace now


Hey friends! 
          So I sadly did not succeed in trying to complete all of my unfinished fanfics on Wattpad before my birthday back in May, but I’m still trying to still to get it done. My main priority right now is my Danny Phantom fanfic so hopefully I can get all the chapters written and posted soon. I don’t mean to sound rude at all when I say that I really don’t care if my newer fanfics don’t get a lot of views or likes, because the fandom isn’t very popular anymore. But I feel like it will be satisfying and make me personally feel accomplished/proud of myself by completing all of them. 
          I also want to thank you all for your continuous love and support on my books even 5 years after some of them have been published to Wattpad. It blows my mind with how sweet you guys are and y’all never fail to amaze me.
          On a side note, a few of you have been asking for me to republish my fanfic sequel, “How to Extinguish a Shooting Star” and to be honest, I unfortunately deleted the original version of it. I may try to write it again, but fair warning, it will not be the same and I really don’t have any ideas on where I want it to go/how to write it. But if you are interested, please let me know so I know that some people would be willing/wanting to read it if I decide to try and write it again. 
          Lots of love to you all and I hope that you are staying safe and healthy. 
          -Izzy <3 


Ps. The goal for my Danny Phantom fanfic is to have it completed by next Monday which should be doable as long as I stick my chapter lay-out and complete 2 chapters a day. :)


Also have you guys heard?! 
          The Percy Jackson book series is being turned into a TV show on Disney+!!! This is amazing! I have loved the Percy Jackson series since I was in 6th grade. I was so excited when the movies came out but they were such a disappointment... :(
          But I have high hopes for this series because Rick Riordan is writing it and he actually has a say in what’s going to happen! I couldn’t be more thrilled. :D


Hey friends! 
          Here’s a little update since it’s been a while. :) 
          So I recently finished my first personal full draft edit of the sequel to my original published novel, “Sabrina Banner: The Soul of a Sorcerer (Book 1)”. Book 1 is available for purchase on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 
          My main plan for this summer is to finish editing the sequel, find a new editor and publishing company. 
          Also I just turned 18 back on May 23, which is still insane to believe! I am also graduating high school in about a week and then I’m attending college in the fall. I will be majoring in Communications and plan on making my way into the film industry. I couldn’t be more excited (and nervous, lol) to begin this new journey. 
          I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that I started this Wattpad account about 5 years ago... so much has changed since then! Thank you guys for the continuous love and support over the years. You guys are the best! 
          I hope that you all are doing well and enjoyed this little update.
          -Isabel <3 


Hi friends! 
          So quick update again on my Percy Jackson: Return of the Lost fanfic... 
          If you’ve noticed a spam of updates on it over the past few hours it’s because I’ve been doing quite a bit of editing on it. I believe I finally have the plot the way I want it and in a way that I can wrap it up with no plot holes. Hopefully that holds to be true. I plan on finishing it either tonight or tomorrow, depending on how much energy I have left in me to write tonight without my fingers falling off. Lol. 
          Thanks to those of who who have joined me for the ride with that crazy journey of a fanfic. XD
          Love you guys! 
          -Isabel <3 


Hey friends!
          So I’m doing some major editing with my Percy Jackson fanfic because I noticed that some of the plot just wasn’t making any sense... so if there is a spam of chapter updates with that novel, that’s the reason why. 
          I will post another update to announce when it is completed. It’s not going to be changed too much, but I am definitely going to be getting rid of some things in that just don’t really make sense. :/ 
          I really should’ve plotted it out better... XD 
          Ps. I think I’m going to get rid of the Chaos plot line that was happening because  I don’t think there is literally any reason for Chaos to be in the story but we’ll see... 


Bring back how to extinguish a shooting star please


Aww. I really liked how it started and wanted more. :'(


Hi there! So I took down How to Extinguish a Shooting Star because I don’t believe I’m going to complete it. I didn’t have much of a plot laid out for it and have attempted to write it at least twice now... I may go back and try to write, but as of now, it currently isn’t one of my priorities. Hope that you understand and that you are staying safe and healthy. <3 