
This is why I don't deserve you.
          	I give up too easily.
          	When I was taught not to. 
          	So enjoy your days with her.
          	Maybe one day you'll get together.
          	I'll look forward to that day.
          	Although I might not be the one you love
          	I will cheer you on 
          	And maybe one day we'll become close friends.
          	And maybe one day you'll achieve your dream.
          	Come June, I won't see you anymore. 
          	It's better that way. 
          	I won't be hurt any longer. 


Are you okay? If you are depressed please don't kill yourself. I know that I don't know you but please don't hurt yourself. You need to talk to someone to vent and release your emotions. If you're comfortable you can private message me anytime you'd like.


This is why I don't deserve you.
          I give up too easily.
          When I was taught not to. 
          So enjoy your days with her.
          Maybe one day you'll get together.
          I'll look forward to that day.
          Although I might not be the one you love
          I will cheer you on 
          And maybe one day we'll become close friends.
          And maybe one day you'll achieve your dream.
          Come June, I won't see you anymore. 
          It's better that way. 
          I won't be hurt any longer. 


this message may be offensive
I'm so fucking tired. I didn't even go to bed, I've been awake since 8 yesterday morning.


But- but ;^; please? Just sleep tonight this once?


@LittleMint- No I want to get less sleep.  


@EverythingWithoutYou  you should sleep, it might help lessen your stress a bit.


          I am sorry to disturb you and apologise for the shameless self promotion on your message board but I was wondering if you'd be interested in checking out my works?  
          Bad Wolf is a teen/young adults novel revolving the themes of love, friendship and adventure, action and mystery. A plot based on lies and truth -  complete with frustrating yet hot guys and a badass female lead. 
          I'd appreciate your honest comment's and votes also if you think my work is worthy of it.
          P.S If you ever want to talk about anything? Please don't hesitate to contact me :) take care ❤


@cinccinoeevee12 what is it going to be about?


@cinccinoeevee12 Honestly, Eeshani, the only friends I have to talk to are you and my best friend Skylar. As for what happened
          The tension between my parents is what is putting me in depression.
          At any SECOND my family will fall apart. Depression means remembering what was good when I was little. And you have all these kids saying "I have a bad life!" Just because they have one bad grade, or they got sent to their room, or they got grounded, or they made the choice to leave a friend. I don't mean to rant to you and I don't want you to think I'm a depressed fool who only disguised herself as a happy fourteen year old, because I didn't. I really WAS happy with you and your friends. But the tension last night made me upset and I don't think I'll be happy anytime soon..
          I have to go to bed.. Goodnight..