
@jacesducks thanks. I think that was a copied and pasted thing but thanks anyway. Also I found you by your IG account and I'd have to say I love it so much!!!


@cartierlove thanks I have jut finished April Hale but I haven't read the others so thanks


@Divergingpanemsstars Sure thing, sweetie! If you need anything or anyone to talk to, feel free to send me a message. :) Take care and Stay Beautiful! :) x
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I'm glad your happy :) Also the reason I deleted books from my library was because I didn't have the update and it helped me focus on which ones I wanted to read because I have like 60 books in my library but I will definitely archive my books in the future because it sounds like it would definitely help me out. And I'm glad I made your day because that makes me feel special too. Also do you know any well written books that are completed romances like the bad boy stole my bra or outcasts or door room cause my mum (instead of grounding me) isn't letting me buy new books for a month :( she knows me to well.


@Divergingpanemsstars Well, this are one of my favourites in no particular order.
            The Cell Phone Swap (funny)
            Maid For Hire (current read)
            The Quirky Tale Of April Hale (extremely funny)
            My Wattpad Love and it's sequel Growing Up (love the characters, one of the best)
            Riley's Tale On The Opposite Gender (Literally cried when it ended, I became too emotionally attached with it's cast)
            Not His Girl (Drunk Harper is the best!)
            Mr. Popular and I (It's okay, but gets boring)
            The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me 
            I'm trying to remember some more, but you could always check My Reading List and see which catches your attention.
            You could go for MWL or TCPS or TQTOAH. But I think MWL is quite relatable since we're all in Wattpad.
            P.S Dorm Room 210 and Outcasts was okay, but it did get boring. I'm not really fond where the lead guy changes his personality for a girl. I liked them for their sarcasm and absolutely hate it when they lose it.
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OMG I honestly don't know what to say, but YOU JUST MADE MY DAY!! I'm glad you're liking it too! If you want some book recommendations, feel free to ask, or you could check my reading list out, since it's always update with my favorite and current reads. 
          If you don't mind asking, why do you delete books from your library? Is it for space? Because you could always archive all you books --except your present read-- and it will automatically added to your library once it has been updated. You can't read Archive books offline, but it will always be stored for future reads, or if you're waiting for an update. My library consists of 1 book at a time, once I'm done, I archive it. If it's a uncompleted book, from archive it will automatically be added to library. 
          So I don't delete books. If you need any help, or anyone to talk to, feel free to drop by, sweetie. Thanks for making my day! It doesn't usually happen, so you made me feel --in some sort or way-- special with that message. Stay beautiful! x