
@tischmi So sorry this has taken so long! I've been consumed with other things and have to be so focused to write. I promise I'll work on it next week! Thank you so much for the comment and the prompt to "get writing" 


Have you seen the movie seasons greetings? Very similar to your story (I know yours was out first)


Hello!  No, I haven’t seen it!  I looked it up and sounds very similar.  Not even going to watch it as I have this ending in my head and am really going to dedicate this year to finishing this novel!!! Thanks!  Happy new year!


Hello Di, I hope you're keeping well. How is life treating you?
          I can't wait for 'The Write Choice' to be updated, but I also understand all too well how hectic life becomes. My life is pretty much the same! Take your time but I just wanted you to know you still have some fans who are waiting patiently. :)
          Take care and happy writing (or happy doing whatever you're doing right now).


Thanks Lisa for the encouragement! I will have more time after the first to finish the story. I've just realized my dream of  opening a vintage boutique in calif. I'm quitting my corp job of 23 years in jan.  Thanks again for kind words and I hope to be back writing soon!