
Hey, I just reuploaded some heavily, and I mean heavily, edited chapter versions of The Queen of Vallise. I sort of lost my inspiration for writing for awhile. I'm still a bit wishy-washy when it comes to it, but hopefully this time around I'll be able to make another interesting story. I'm sorry to everyone who is waiting for A Beauty's Heart. That is a story I've rewritten a dozen times. There are moments I love in the first part of it, but then it seems to just go downhill a bit. Therefore, it is on hold for a little while longer until I can properly figure out how I want the plot to go! 
          	Again, thank you to everyone who has stuck with me despite my absence on Wattpad and I would love it if you would go ahead and please check out The Queen of Vallise! I would very much appreciate it!


@Demmie_Lei HI hope you are ok.


Hey, I just reuploaded some heavily, and I mean heavily, edited chapter versions of The Queen of Vallise. I sort of lost my inspiration for writing for awhile. I'm still a bit wishy-washy when it comes to it, but hopefully this time around I'll be able to make another interesting story. I'm sorry to everyone who is waiting for A Beauty's Heart. That is a story I've rewritten a dozen times. There are moments I love in the first part of it, but then it seems to just go downhill a bit. Therefore, it is on hold for a little while longer until I can properly figure out how I want the plot to go! 
          Again, thank you to everyone who has stuck with me despite my absence on Wattpad and I would love it if you would go ahead and please check out The Queen of Vallise! I would very much appreciate it!


@Demmie_Lei HI hope you are ok.


Thank you guys so much for supporting me and my story, The Beast of Rose Castle! It has been a blast seeing all of you reading it and voting on it (literally making my day every single time)! 
          I am also sorry for the delay on The Beast of Rose Castle's sequel! Writer's block won't let me go, but I'm working on the details and working through it in general! I will try to have the first chapter out by mid-July!


I cannot thank you guys enough! I never imagined when I started writing The Beast of Rose Castle that it would take off like it has! I was at a low point at that time due to my lack of success with writing the original story, Path of a Raven. So, I was feeling a bit down when I posted The Beast of Rose Castle, figuring that a remake of a fairy tale with my own twists would lighten my mood a bit! I never thought it would become what it has and so easily overtake my other story! I have you guys to thank for the reads and all the support! Everything you've done for me has been phenomenal! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my story and I'm glad you've seemed to like it so much! 
          I know I'm not around as often, mostly because I'm working on multiple stories that I've yet to receive covers for, and the side projects I'm working on, but I am definitely staying here for the long haul! Thank you again and I hope all of you have a fantastic day!


I know I haven't been doing too much on here lately, and I am still busy at work creating stories that I hope you will enjoy! If you haven't seen it yet, then here is the link to the story I am co-authoring with the fabulous @rouska -
          Thank you for all the support on The Beast of Rose Castle! I never dreamed that it would grow so quickly or be so loved! I appreciate every single one of you who have voted on it, added it to your reading lists, and commented on it! I'm sorry if I don't show that appreciation enough, so here it is! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope everyone has a great day and I can't wait to talk to you guys again!


Just letting you know that Novus Magus is now officially completed :3.


@AmberAns Then you should check out @alexan629 you'll find a lot of her work is phenomenal and that is why I have such great covers! If you're looking for amazing, you'll definitely find it there!


Honestly, I had once eight chapter written of A Covenant's Curse. Each was supposed to be around 1,500 words, give or take. I had a story, though sketchy, planned out. 
          Now, I am rewriting all of it! The first chapter that is up now is the one that I've rewritten! I hated how my story sounded (like an excuse for a girl to get into bed with a hot guy and not much of a good plot going on along with the romance)
          So, I've been rewriting everything thus far, and I am going through, checking them and so on. It is a pain, but I felt like it resembled something that I wrote when I was in middle school and cringed so hard and trashed it! So, now I promise that I am improving the story so that it isn't a flop!


@Pennywithaney Thanks! I hope you enjoy reading more of it as well! 
            As for just popping up, trust me, it only makes me happy! I love knowing that people are actually reading my posts instead of me just being all lonely and writing them for nothing! I really appreciate the fact that you took time to respond to it! <3


(Also, sorry that my response was a little out of the blue. I saw your message in my newsfeed and I was like "Hey, I think I'll respond." XD)


@Demmie_Lei Some of the best stories can be ones that at first seemed off. I'm sure the new story will be great, whatever you end up doing. :) I can't wait to start reading more of it!


Thanks for the follow! Also, thanks for all the votes on Blood For Blood!!
          -K.D. Bledsoe 


@KDBledsoe thank you so much! It'll be up soon :)


@KDBledsoe I've loved all I've read thus far! Honestly, I am excited for the next part since I've already caught all the way up!