
Cody sighed as he walked around the firehouse, watching the bots do their own respective things. He noticed more datapads sprawled around, all of them in Cybertronian.
          	Humming softly in thought, Cody looked up.at Boulder who was painting. "Hey Boulder?"
          	Boulder looked down and smiled when he saw Cody, setting his brush down. "Hey Cody, what's up?"
          	"It there a possibility.. You could teach me Cybertronian?"
          	Boulder frowned softly, thinking. "You could, but it would be hard. I'd try asking one if the others though, I need to finish this for Mrs Rubeo."
          	Cody nodded, sighing softly. "Yeah, okay. Have fun painting Boulder!" Smiling to the green mech, he walked off to find Chase. 
          	"If not Chase I'll probably ask Heatwave. Blades is too busy watching his cartoons."
          	He picked up one of the smaller sized datapads (which was still pretty big) and looked around for Chase. "Let's hope he's not busy either.."


          	  (*blushes even more*
          	  Cody kept chuckling.


This is for all of you!
          • There’s no turning back now after you start reading this. Trust me this will put a smile on your face. Every night someone thinks about you. At least 15 people in this love you. The only reason someone hates you is because they want to be you and that they are against you.
          [You mean world is someone. Someone you don’t even know loves you. Anytime you make a mistake good comes out of it. Whenever you think the world is against you, turns around. Focus on the compliments people give you instead of rude things.]
          So if you’re a loving friend, send this to 15 people (including the one who send you this :D) something good will happen between noon and 4pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Send this to 15 people to make someone’s day! J help someone out! Remember you are loved.
          F - ight for you
          R - espect you
          I - nvolve
          E - ncourage you
          N - eed you
          D - eserve you
          S - ave you
          {If you get 4 back to you’re liked, if you get 7 back you’re loved, if you get 15 back you’re amazing!}


Cody sighed as he walked around the firehouse, watching the bots do their own respective things. He noticed more datapads sprawled around, all of them in Cybertronian.
          Humming softly in thought, Cody looked up.at Boulder who was painting. "Hey Boulder?"
          Boulder looked down and smiled when he saw Cody, setting his brush down. "Hey Cody, what's up?"
          "It there a possibility.. You could teach me Cybertronian?"
          Boulder frowned softly, thinking. "You could, but it would be hard. I'd try asking one if the others though, I need to finish this for Mrs Rubeo."
          Cody nodded, sighing softly. "Yeah, okay. Have fun painting Boulder!" Smiling to the green mech, he walked off to find Chase. 
          "If not Chase I'll probably ask Heatwave. Blades is too busy watching his cartoons."
          He picked up one of the smaller sized datapads (which was still pretty big) and looked around for Chase. "Let's hope he's not busy either.."


            (*blushes even more*
            Cody kept chuckling.


Hymn giggled as she ran to the briefing room, her doorwings fluttering softly behind her. Turning her helm slightly, she saw her brother walking behind her. "Come on bro! Heatwave called us, let's go!"
          Wedge chuckled softly, brushing himself down. The two had been spending some time together since the others were busy, and he had become the dirtier of them. "I'll never know how you have so much energy in you."
          The Academy was relatively quiet other than their pedsteps on the metal floor, and the siblings arrived at the briefing room, it was revealed that they were the last ones. 
          "I'm glad you two could make it." Heatwave stated, his expression serious. "A mountain climber has gotten stranded and tangled on a mountain top, and you seven need to help them."
          Hoist nodded, already pulling some climbing gear out. "Professor Boulder helped upgrade our gear, so it.sould be a lot easier."
          Hotshot chuckled, grabbing his set. "Sweet! Let's get climbing!"
          Wedge gave a nervous smile, raising a servo. "Professor..?"
          Heatwave looked up from where he was typing the coordinates into the groundbridge. "Yes Wedge?"
          "How tall is the mountain..?"
          Heatwave stayed silent for a moment as he found out for the recruit, typing into the computer. "Thirty-seven thousand feet."
          Wedge visibly froze as the other recruits grabbed their kits from Hoist. 


            Wedge gave a small smile, slowly climbing down.


            Hoist patted his shoulder before climbing down, making sure to be careful.


            Wedge bit his lip as he slowly climbed down, not wanting to risk flying.


Are chu doing something cause chu keep leaving-


            Also I thought of dat idea with evil Galactic again


            Im upset we could've done a Halloween thingy yesterday but didn't D:


Something hot
          Something cold
          Someone brave
          Someone bold
          Someone young
          Someone old
          Don't want silver
          Don't want gold
          I just want
          To be told
          Who it is
          That I can hold


Awww! That’s so beautiful!!:) 


          Now post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world.
          If you get...
          1 back= you are loved!
          3 back= your popular
          5 back= your one of the most lovable people out there!
          9+= wow... I'm jealous


          Now post on everyone’s wall who you think deserves all the love in the world!
          If you get,
          1 back: You are loved
          3 back: You are popular
          5 back: Your the most loved person in the world
          9+: wow. I’m jealous