
          	Hey Bec!
          	No problem! I'm really impressed you took the time to thank me. I've been sending all those votes your way because I really appreciate what you're doing. From what I've seen so far, you write women I believe are real and with whom I would love to be friends. You also write men I'd love the chance to love (believe me... Felix? I'm dying <3 ). The Australian setting is a major bonus: though I'm an American, I've had the privilege to make an extended visit to Australia and I couldn't love it more. So, thank YOU, and please keep up the great work!


Thank you for the votes.  I appreciate it.  I encourage you to try posting your writing.  Wattpad is a great place to begin as a writer.  This is a great community of very supportive readers and writers.  It all begins with a first step.  Good luck.


          Hey Bec!
          No problem! I'm really impressed you took the time to thank me. I've been sending all those votes your way because I really appreciate what you're doing. From what I've seen so far, you write women I believe are real and with whom I would love to be friends. You also write men I'd love the chance to love (believe me... Felix? I'm dying <3 ). The Australian setting is a major bonus: though I'm an American, I've had the privilege to make an extended visit to Australia and I couldn't love it more. So, thank YOU, and please keep up the great work!