

@Bbbbbaaaa1234567890 (Smirk) Glad you liked it, but it was a rough first draft. Yes, it is a later book and, thus, a lot easier to edit than any of the predecessors. It's only a pity that most readers are so disgusted by the final chapter of book one that they don't read book two. At least I've gotten out of the habit of creating such horrible cliffhangers in any of the post 2020 books. Now, if the power company will just stop interrupting my workflow. Damned power was off ten hours today. It's now past eleven at night, and I'm going to see if I can get something done for tomorrow.


@csdreamer can tell it’s a later book. It’s really good - obviously editing will improve it further but it’s a lot more developed. You do love a good complex plot - so do I!


@csdreamer someone shouldn’t have written a page turner then should she? 


Thanks for Reading and voting on Unexpected. https://www.wattpad.com/story/114583188-unexpected-first-draft


@Bbbbbaaaa1234567890 We're around the same age. I'm in my early forties. I've been around the block a few times, and it's getting worn down from being kicked under the bed. It's rather daunting, and I am not in a position to pick the wrong one to start off with. It's also scary when you read how many of my fellow authors have their works ripped off, even on places like KDP select. 
            I read Robin McKinley's Hero and the sword and Hero and the crown as a kid and then the chronicles of Morgaine as a young adult, and what I strive to one day do is mix the feel of those books.  The skill, the atmosphere, the imagination, and the character development blew my mind. What I realize now is that writing for platforms takes a different approach, where each chapter is an audition for the reader to drop or continue reading the whole. It takes a difference in approach, timing, and pace. The right thing to do would be to take them all down and start over, but that would set me back years. I have to recraft my author brand as a whole. Some books will take more work than others but usually the ones that take more work end up being better. I really appreciate the help and advice you offer, the feedback, and support. Against the Grain was me nearly getting the idea, but then I got insecure and listened to the wrong voices until I nearly lost my style of writing. It took a while to figure myself out again. I would ask you not to read ahead of the edits on Ingrained, though. I'm doing a lot of rewriting on that one because it was never edited. Not even a little. All I ask for now is that God touches one of these books and bless it so I can spend the next year writing full-time and getting some books out there that represent my brand with confidence and a little more professionalism.


@csdreamer sounds like a good plan but imagine it’s hard to know which to do it with which is why I want to try to give you support and feedback. Am loving Againsy the Grain btw - can tell you’ve exited it a couple of times. Once I’ve read it I’ll ask for suggestions of what to read  next :)


@csdreamer I’m probably an older reader too (dare I confess mid 40s!). I guess I think about thinks like Tolkien needing to split LOTR into a trilogy or the publishers wouldn’t print it. Also love series of books when you fall for the characters - as a kid I adored the Anne books for example. And I think reading sci-fi made me feel that too. Agree that one these platforms it’s easy to try to fit everything into one book - and a lot of readers aren’t especially patient which must put pressure on authors too,



Hey there! Wanted to express my appreciation for you reading Flare in the Darkness. I'm not super active in terms of posting anymore, and it's a pleasant surprise to see when someone's actually been consistently voting on my books. Those notifications put a bright moment in my day.
          I hope my story brought you a small portion of the joy it gave me to write.
          - Verity


            hey Verity,
            Not at all. I thought it was an interesting tale and liked the atmosphere you created particularly. I always figure if I’m reading someone’s work the least I could do is vote - you’ve been generous enough to share it with us :)


Hi there! I'm currently writing a book named Doll Trade. I was wondering if you'd like to be a first reader? Thanks! 


@XxCrona hi, love to - always up for reading (and grated for them too)


Hi there!
          I just wanted to take a moment to stop by and say thank you for your support on What if we Drown. It means a lot to me, and I hope that you are enjoying Ashlyn and Derek’s story ✨
          Thank you.
          Bri. Xx 


@Bbbbbaaaa1234567890 I’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying it, and I appreciate the support ♥️ aw yay, I love to hear how people find my story. Thank you! 


@houseofmirrors not at all. I’m really enjoying it. Figure the least I can do is click on the star on each chapter as thanks for sharing your writing   (I found you via CayleighKennedy’s reading list. Thought you might be interested on how I found you.)


Thanks for the votes on “Elise Runs and Dorothy Falls”!


@Bbbbbaaaa1234567890 Awesome! Hope you continue to enjoy the series!


@MissMysteryGame @MissMysteryGame Genuinely glad :)  now on book 2 - it’s always exciting seeing where we go. Really looking forward to seeing Elise soon too. Love your characters. And poor Guida . Unrequited love is tough.


@Bbbbbaaaa1234567890 Well it means an awful lot, so thank you! :’)