
Anyone want to rp or just talk? 


@gdxxcvgdsxctu I don't really give people my insta account unless I know them


@Baby_Circus_Baby lmaoo i cant reply to your massage whats your insta?


Anyone want to rp or just talk? 


@gdxxcvgdsxctu I don't really give people my insta account unless I know them


@Baby_Circus_Baby lmaoo i cant reply to your massage whats your insta?


Jeff was bullied
          Sally was raped
          BEN was drowned
          Hoodie was betrayed
          LJ was abandoned
          EJ was a sacrifice
          Lost Silver was forgotten
          Glitchy red was thought of as a joke
          Liu's love was taken away from him
          Masky couldn't help his disorder
          Toby couldn't help his ticks
          Though some creepy pastas may be scary
          They're like us in a big way
          Post if....
          You would become a proxy
          You wouldn't run away from slenderman
          You'd give red a warm hug with no regrets
          You'd tell Jeff he was beautiful
          If you would cheer up Sally when she was crying
          If you love cheesecake!
          If you would play video games with Ben
          If you love Toby's ticks and twitches
          If you would be Jane's friend 
          If you'd dance with EJ, laugh with LJ and smile with smile dog
          Re-post if creepypastas saved your life with their sheer awesomeness 
          Because even though some people think they're insane freaks
          We know they're so much more than that