

@Arveliot can we read there safely?... sorry 


hope you’re doing well, was thinking about BtES recently. hope the rewrite is going well.


Hello, sorry for posting on your wall. I just want to express my happiness to your books, "The Dragon Chase" and "Bitter Cold Truth". I REALLY LOVE THE SERIES SO MUCH!!! Been reading them for more or less than a year now, and reading them while commuting to go to univ and back home. Goodness! I feel like I'm not ready to say goodbye to them yet. I'm not sure if I'd read either the "Burning Night" or "The Everburning City" right after I finish "Bitter Cold Truth" or would take a rest for a while, but anyway, keep writing, Arveliot!



@Arveliot can we read there safely?... sorry 


hope you’re doing well, was thinking about BtES recently. hope the rewrite is going well.


Hi Again,
           I was also wondering if you had self published the Everburning city stories anywhere? I would love to have a permanent copy in my personal library of each of the books in the series.


@CrazyRedRead I’m afraid Wattpad is the only place these exist, at the moment. 
            Working on that, though. 


Hello Arveliot,  
          I love your series,Tales of the Everburning City. I was wondering if you intend to continue the series and let us know what is in the Gloam and where it comes from?


@CrazyRedRead thanks for reading!
            I’m afraid continuing is more an ambition than a plan. Certainly would like to, and likely will, but I’m working right now on trying to up my game enough to do well in other markets.


I just found your profile and I have to say you're an inspiration. 
          I can't imagine even having one book done, let alone multiple series. Can't wait to dive into your work. 


@BobbyEllis2 sorry I took to long to respond. Haven’t been on Wattpad much lately. 
            Hope you’ve found something you felt like reading. 


Happy New Year! Hope your holidays went well.
          So, I’ve been fairly quiet on this front for a while. And I think I’ve explained why. It’s hard at this point to see me taking writing as a proper career through this place. To that end, I’ve been working on polishing up a story through several edits, to either pitch to a traditional publisher or try my luck on something like Amazon.
          That isn’t to say I’ll be leaving Wattpad altogether. It remains an interesting place to try out story ideas, and I have at least one more project I’ll post here. 
          I’ve finished the structural edit for Beyond the Endless Sky. Next step is a line edit. Now, where the structural edit is the bones of a story, the line edit is the meat, and the changes will really be more noticeable. After this edit, and I have no idea how long it will take, I embark on a grammar edit, and see where things take me from there. Hoping to be ready by June, but…
          Anyway, I also found myself sketching out another project. A smaller one (I say that now, but…) that sketches out Gwen’s reasons for being at that work camp in the fields when the Fifth started.


@Arveliot It's been years Arv. Hope you're doing well.


@Arveliot Absolutely love the Everburning City book and the whole Everburning series, have lost track of how many times I re-read them all. Super excited for more news on your publishing and an Act 2 someday :D


@CaptainSarcastic101 I think I have one more project for Wattpad. I think. It’s been stewing in my head and I need something to pull my attention from editing. 
             @KellyJBurke thanks! Finding it hard lately to keep treading water, let alone really taking writing to the level I want it to be. Real life is like that. 