
Hello everyone! As this is more so a reading account, I want to open this space to everyone who follows me.  I’d like to advertise YOUR books on my page, where each chapter is a synopsis of your story, to hopefully bring in more reads to your books! If you’re interested, feel free to let me know!


Hello everyone! As this is more so a reading account, I want to open this space to everyone who follows me.  I’d like to advertise YOUR books on my page, where each chapter is a synopsis of your story, to hopefully bring in more reads to your books! If you’re interested, feel free to let me know!


Hey guys, if you're into werewolf stories, i just found a cute one!  It's called Growing Up With Wolves by Indigo-Storm.  You should totally go check it out!


@ArreisRose17 why did you not finish chasing October. Your writing is really great


Hello everyone who sees this~ I have started the spin off books! And needless to say "I AM SERIOUSLY PUMPED FOR THIS SERIES YOU HAVE NO IDEA OMG" okay. Now. I am starting to rewrite TRM books 1-3! I will be updating them frequently (hopefully) for I have a base to go on. They'll be longer, added more and *flails* I hope you guys enjoy it ^^ <3


@MusicDreams2014 hey dear! thanks for enjoying them :3 I may write a 4th one. I'm unsure at the moment due to no ideas. thank you tho again love<333 means a lot!!


@ArreisRose17 I enjoyed the books! but wait is there a 4th book? You can't just put "We lost another one" Please tell me you are! OK thanks love ya! great book! I finished it in one day lol #nerd


@ArreisRose17 I enjoyed the books! but wait is there a 4th book? You can't just put "We lost another one" Please tell me you are! OK thanks love ya! great book! I finished it in one day lol #nerd