
Hey there! Thank you so much for voting on "Burning Gods & Wicked Angels". It means so much to me that you have chosen to spend time with Amelia and Mr. Noble. Enjoy the rest of your read. Thanks again, and have a lovely day! — Denise


Hey there!
          I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for your support in the past! You were among the very first readers of Russian Gambit (I think it was still  named The Puppeteer back then) and I was super grateful for your kind comments.
          The book has now been picked up for publishing and while I'm super excited about this, it also means that I won't be around on Wattpad that often in the future.
          I really hope we can stay connected. All my social media profiles and my website are in my Wattpad bio, so feel free to drop me a message any time.
          All the best and thank you again!


Hey Anusmile17~Hope you're coping well with the crises. Thanx for voting on  “The Tattooed Princess.” And because you’re new to my work (and such a sweetie), I'm sending you a book of mine to get your head into summer and a much more carefree life than right now. 
          Enjoy my reads. (And check out SHOW MORE on my profile page to see 28 other works).


Hi Anusmile we've just stepped down from a our time ship and want to thanks for all the votes you have/will/did make on I'm a Cyborg's Pet after adding it your reading list. Opps. Hang on now we've told you about all the wonderful votes you might change your mind! Oh this could change future history oh no. You might not get that nobel prize... err what to do.. err what to do..   Special hugs 
          ps. Never trust an author who thanks you for your votes right?