
Hey guys,
          	  11 days till the cut off for submissions for my poetry / short story zine Anatomical Witness! SUBMIT STUFF Y'ALL. This equals chance of publication AND exposure.
          	(hey i'm a link pls click me)
          	  Thanks, love you all


@AnnetjeValens  That is fine, thankyou.


@OwainGlyn Yes it has, thank you kindly!! :D


@AnnetjeValens I have submitted a piece titled 'Lest We Forget' I would be happy if you could confirm it has been received safely.


how are u doing, annetje?


@AnnetjeValens , oh, u know me by now. i like life enough for it to like me too, what's not to like? :)))
            are u happy where u are, annetje?


@seasofme how have you been?? i miss your thoughts


@AnnetjeValens , pleased to see u are able to do any writing at all!


Hey guys,
            11 days till the cut off for submissions for my poetry / short story zine Anatomical Witness! SUBMIT STUFF Y'ALL. This equals chance of publication AND exposure.

          (hey i'm a link pls click me)
            Thanks, love you all


@AnnetjeValens  That is fine, thankyou.


@OwainGlyn Yes it has, thank you kindly!! :D


@AnnetjeValens I have submitted a piece titled 'Lest We Forget' I would be happy if you could confirm it has been received safely.


Hi everyone,
          I am starting up a literary magazine called Anatomical Witness. Poetry, short stories and prose poetry are welcome. I'd love it if you'd all submit a piece (or more!)
          Fin out more here:


@OwainGlyn All info on the website under "Submission Guidelines" but from memory it's the 20th


@AnnetjeValens  I am very tempted by this, what are the timescales, because I would wish to do something new?


Right, I have to write 20 things about myself for @Brittataco (and also @seasofme. I'm so sorry for ignoring you, seas. I was busy.)
          20) Rocky Horror is one of my favourite movies. I know all the lines to Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me. My friend and I have recast the roles with people in our English class. For my assignment on makeup next term, I'm doing Frank's on the guy we cast as him.
          19) I am sarcastic so often. People get confused and can't always tell when I'm sincere.
          18) Recently blew the phone bill talking to my boyfriend for several hours each night (whoops ...)
          17) My absolute favourite band is Radiohead. They are beautiful (/ illuminating)
          16) I love rock climbing & running <3
          15) I have a box full of old letters, postcards and party invitations. I think the oldest one is from 8 or 9 years ago ...
          14) I'm a feminist
          13) and a Harry Potter fan
          12) Sylvia Plath is amazing. Her poetry is just ... wow
          11) Currently reading Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (so so creepy & yet written so amazingly)
          10) I would not survive the zombocalypse
          9) I'm sick of being misled by people (see earlier poems ...)
          8) My hiking boots are my favourite shoes I own :)
          7) I get very conflicted about perspective and point of view and right and wrong in arguments and it often leads to me saying, "Yes, I understand where you're coming from but that's morally wrong ... wait, what's our definition for morally wrong again?"
          6) Once a guy brought a dictionary on a DoE hike because I asked him to. It was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me.
          5) I spend simultaneously too much & not entire time on Wattpad
          4) Currently watching The Million Eyes of Sumuru. It's weird, and kind of fascinating.
          3) I have stopped caring a huge deal about school, which scares me
          2) When I'm older, I either want to be: a) a doctor working with Medecins Sans Frontieres , b) a hippie on an off-the-grid commune, or c) a starving artist (lots of choices)
          1) I'm scared about the future


Okay, I have!!
            That's so sweet.
            You do?? Oh my god, yesssss. Best movie ever.


one of the sweetest things someone ever did for me was to bring me a glass of tap water all the way to the car where i was waiting and i did not even ask...i still can't get over that...i know ALL the words to the songs and the script. i know every single word in that movie. i have seen it more than sixty times.

seasofme this!


Hi everyone,
          Disregard previous message: this is actually quite important.
          I'm starting up a poetry zine (which is a small-run self-published magazine for y'all not in the know) and I was hoping for some entries from all you wonderful poets!
          I'm still getting a website up and running so there's nowhere to submit to yet, but PM me if you're interested in having your poetry published so I have an idea. I'd love contributions from the Wattpad community.
          I'll keep you posted on this one.
          Have a lovely day :)