Wating Истории

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11 Историй

Takes Two To Tango от JxckGilinskysbae
Takes Two To Tangoот JxckGilinskysbae
I was only a little foal, a new born practically. I was a paint. vivid russet colors painted all over my body, splotches of white. me and my mother looked identical, it...
ещё +13
Him от raison_de_etre_
Himот Faiza muskan
A collection of poetry for him [Note: all work is mine ] [Cover page:Pinterest , credit goes to owner] ALL RIGHT RESERVED
stem || pjm от beomxgi
stem || pjmот c o u r t s
"it all stemmed from a little mistake..." trigger warning: anorexia. eating disorder behaviours.
A incomplete wish  от PukiKichita
A incomplete wish от Puki Kichita
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The Miracle Worker(Watty Awards 2011) от careforbooks
The Miracle Worker(Watty Awards 20...от Muah:)
Madeline found out at the beginning of their marriage that she has PCOS. It had rockd both her and her husband, Ethan's worlds. Madeline and Ethan have been trying to ha...
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Uncertainties. от lezinsajid
Uncertainties.от lezin sajid
who doesnt wish for some twist and turn of events in the normal life one leads?
There is no hope for us now. от 0shans0
There is no hope for us now.от 0shans0
Законченные истории
A GIRL ON STAIRS  от Sanoberpervaiz3
A GIRL ON STAIRS от sanober pervaiz
**Description:** In a grand mansion, a young girl stands on the sweeping staircase, gazing out at the workers trudging to their daily grind. She waits in tense anticipat...