Historias de Swedenhetalia

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3 Historias

Goodbye... Forever (2P!Sweden x Reader oneshot) de DianaRoshka
Goodbye... Forever (2P!Sweden x Re...de 2P!FInland
What happens when a boyfriend never pay's attention to his girlfriend? Read to find out!
A GerIta and SuFin Tale- Promise Me de Holy-Roman-Empire
A GerIta and SuFin Tale- Promise Mede Holy Roman Empire
Once upon a time, Chibitalia and HRE both existed. We all know how that went... There were also two Scandinavians that have known each other since their own chibi years...
Sov Gott de castle_of_clouds
Sov Gottde Thorleif
While never living normal lives, Denmark, Norway and Iceland try to act as much like a family as they can. Occasionally, once every few years, they will meet at their co...