Lobaandrade Hikaye

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9 Hikaye

Jolientje06 tarafından yazılan Revenant Reborn  adlı hikaye
Revenant Reborn Jolientje06 tarafından
Part 3 Loba & Revenant on a heist with a few other ladies to Salvo. I found out a big secret that turned my world upside down. He was making Revenant his bodies? all of...
Ari22cupid tarafından yazılan Loba and Valkyrie x Female Reader adlı hikaye
Loba and Valkyrie x Female ReaderFlower tarafından
What happens when a new Legend joins the apex games that catches the attention of both Loba and Kairi
wolfyandrade tarafından yazılan --"My world was shattered that day"-- adlı hikaye
--"My world was shattered that day...Loba Andrade tarafından
Some words from Loba Andrade(Apex Legends). This little girl that has grown to a powerful, independent, beautiful woman. You might ask yourself, "Is she ever afraid...
UnluckiestFridays tarafından yazılan Apex Legends Facts adlı hikaye
Apex Legends FactsVanessa (Nessa) tarafından
Some things to know about Apex Legends (and its Legends) before playing the game or writing fanfic! :)
octavioosilvaa tarafından yazılan APEX SCENARIOS/INCORRECT QUOTES adlı hikaye
The legends' personalities: Debunked. It's your favourite insane man, now with his friends! Plus Revenant! Have fun amigo amigas, non-binary pals, robots, humans, and t...
blothhundur tarafından yazılan the heart of the wolf resides in you adlı hikaye
the heart of the wolf resides in y...blóðhundur tarafından
Inspired by my theory of Loba and Bloodhound having history in the past. Young Bloodhound meets the lost Loba Andrade in the woods while hunting with their tribe. That...
poisondeprived tarafından yazılan a thief's tale adlı hikaye
a thief's taledestiny tarafından
bangalore ( anita williams ) struggled to figure out exactly who the newcomer is and why she's so hung up over an artificact. As she dwelves deeper into who loba really...